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"He is my fiancé~."




Staring as Amelia lightly attaches herself to the bored-looking boy still sitting on the bed, Vanessa hugs Sol's head in her arms as shock spreads across her face. Humming lightly and surprised as well, Zachary lightly taps his chin with a light head tilt. "Really now? Then how come you never mentioned it before, Amelia?"

"Because it is not true. We are not betrothed." Signing lightly yet not bothering to remove the girl, Terrence stares at the three with his expression as bored as ever. Lightly shaking his head, Terrence stares at them like they are idiots, yet the slightly amused smile tucking on his lips says otherwise. "She is my childhood friend."

"Terry! Can't you just play along for a little bit? You are busting the fun!" pouting lightly as she removes herself and stands off to the side, Amelia sighs lightly before lightly patting the boy on the head. "As boring as always, I see."

"And once again, I don't really see the fun in this. So, there is no reason for me to play along." Lightly leaning into the hand as the light smile betrays the annoyed tone of his voice, Terrence lets his expression soften down lightly. "It's nice seeing you again as well, Millie."

"Childhood friends.... Wait, so you lied to us, Amelie?!" looking betrayed, Vanessa yells over, looking betrayed before her mouth is covered by Sol, who looks up at the girl apologetically. "Vanny, your voice is umm... a little too loud."

"Sorry, Sunshine...." Vanessa apologizes lightly and gives him a light peck on the forehead before turning back to Amelia, who sticks out a playful tongue at her with a light bonk of her head. "Oops~"

"Hmm.... So, you guys are childhood friends... that does explain the reaction earlier then." Speaking up lightly yet nonchalantly from the side, Zachary sits himself back down onto the bed as Terrence tilts his head at him in confusion.

"What reaction?"

"Oh yeah, you didn't know." Looking up from the flustered boy in her arms, Vanessa mentions over at Amelia, who just smiles gently with an unreadable expression. "When Amelia saw that you were poisoned, she immediately freaked out and called out your name. That is also where we learned your real name and realized that Rence serves just fine as a nickname."


~4 days ago~

"Rence! Hang in there!"

As their heart drops once Terrence falls limp in Zachary's arms, Sol is pulling Vanessa back from attempting to shake the boy awake. "V- Vanny! You'll make the poison s- spread faster!"

"B- but what should we.... Ah- Amelia!" Looking to the side as the shocked maid arrives at the scene to sign in relief at the fact that the three of her friends are safe, Vanessa yells over with desperation lingering in her voice. "A- Amelia... we need to get help! Our friend... Rence got poisoned!"

Just realizing that someone else was there, Amelia froze in place once the unconscious boy appeared in her field of vision. Dropping the sword she took from a statue for self-defence, Amelia shook her head in disbelief before, with a shaky breath, rushing over to the boy laying limb.

"T- Terrence!"


Checking his pulse before her face drains of even more colour, Amelia ignores the confused and concerned stare of the others and continues to take shaky breaths in an attempt to calm down. Standing back up before looking around as backup guards comes to observe the scene, she yells out in desperation. "Somebody go get a doctor!! We have a patient suffering from the enemy's poison!!"

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