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"Come on, Fel!"

"Coming, Will!"

Running down the road of the town with two guards desperately chasing behind them, hand in hand, William and Felicity ditch the royal guards and hide behind a barrel, where they stifle their laughs as the guards walk by.

"W- we are so getting in trouble for this..." laughing lightly behind her hands once the guards walked by, Felicity says in a rather fond tone, looking at the boy dying of laughter in front of her and shaking her head. "Come on, Will. Breath!"

"I am breathing, Starlight!" Straightening up after calming down from his fit of laughter, the young prince holds his stomach as he lets out a few last chuckles. "Also, it's not like this is the first time we've done this. We'll be fine!"

"Didn't you get grounded to do the paperwork for a week straight last time we got caught?" with her arms crossed with a pout, Felicity stared at her friend, who gave her a smug look back in return.

"Correct, dearest. That is *if* we get caught! Which we won't! The guard had already gone to search somewhere else now!" William, while loving to read, absolutely despises the paperwork that his parents had left him with. And ever since he met Felicity on his daily strokes outside the castle, he seems to have abandoned that work even more now. Usually, leaving them to do after he arrives home, which he finishes up quickly since it really isn't that hard.

"If you are sure, dear...." Felicity signs in light amusement. While she would rather not break any rules, let alone let the other procrastinate further, the happiness on the young prince's face at the moment makes her think that she had made a good choice.

"Come on, let's go get some apples from that lady again!" Pulling Felicity out of the alley and over to the shop with a kind lady that gives children food, William smiles excitedly, which makes Felicity smile as well.

"Apple again, you two?" Not having the best sight, grandma, with her voice gentle, hands the two fruits every time they come purely by their voices. Yet, when the kids would thank her for it, she would always smile fondly and pat them on the head. Which is exactly what she did when the two happily took the apple.

"Thank you, Granny!"

"Thank you very much."

"Have fun, you two!" as the two walks away to play, after they turn back to wave at Granny, who waved back as gentle as always, William and Felicity go back to the tree that they always play on, sitting down on the grass and enjoys their apple in peace without those guards searching for them.

With the sweetness of the apple, the warmth of the sun, the coolness of the breeze, and the happiness from each other's company, William and Felicity lays down on the grass as their energy starts to drain.

And before they both realized it, following the light laughter, they fell asleep by each other's side.


"Let me go! Let me... Ah!"

"Mmm... Fel?" waking up and opening his eyes, William's eyes widen as the scene wakes him up completely. A man with his hand covering Felicity's mouth and another trying to get the girl to follow him, William freezes.

A kidnap?

"Fuck, now the other brat is awake as well... are you happy now? I now have to do more work!" finally knocking Felicity out, hanging her passed-out body over his shoulder, the man looks over at William.

"Let's just do this the easy way, alright? Follow up."

"Let Fel down, you bitch!" throwing the apple cores at the man who signs and avoids them easily, William honestly has no clue what to do besides picking up a nearby stick and hitting the man with it like how he was taught to fight swords back in the palace.

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