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Getting dragged off at seven in the morning, Terrence and Sol follow an excitedly Vanessa out of the inn and into the town, towards... somewhere.

"Where are we going, exactly?" Actually, being quite used to waking up early from the equally if not more hyper twin that drags him out to train, Terrence asks as he lightly rubs his eyes. Turning back and rolling her eyes at him like he just asked something dumb, Vanessa continues to drag them both forward. "To shop for your clothes, of course! Didn't we talk about that yesterday? You are here to study, and your clothes are clearly from a different country! We need to get you something culturally appropriate!"

"I would be fine with just these, though...." Sweat dropping lightly before quickly getting the cue that Vanessa is not going to listen if the cold shoulder and the apologetic chuckle from Sol is anything to go by, Terrence signs and allows himself to get dragged into the nearby shop.

"Ah, hello! Hello! Welcome, Vanesa, Sol! I see that you brought friends!" peaking his head into the room with a smile, a pink-haired person walks into the room with their arms on her waist. "Hello there! I'm Eden! What can I get you today?"

"We need to get him some more clothing. So can we count on you again, Ed?" pushing Terrence forwards, Vanessa grins over at the shop owner before introducing her to Terrence. "Rence, this is Eden. Pronounce he/she/them. Ed, this is Rence! He is a traveller!"

"Oh? I thought those clothing looked unfamiliar!" Clapping his fist to her palm, Eden smiles lightly after checking out the black cave covering a denim blue t-shirt covering a grey top and dark grey pants accompanied by a pair of brownish red shoes and a belt. Wasting no time before grabbing Terrence by the hand and dragging him off to the back, waving back at the two happily. "Leave him to me then!"

"So? Any preferences?" asking lightly as he grabs the measuring string from the side and wraps it around Terrence's waist, Eden hums lightly once tightening the rope. "You're quite fit yet small than I have previously expected...."

"Is that supposed to be a good thing or bad...?" Sweat dropping lightly with a sigh, Terrence just lets the other do whatever as he stares down with a slightly bored stare, shaking his head when remembering the previous question. "Not really. Anything comfortable and easy to move in will do."

"Hmm..." Taking the rest of the measurements as well, she nods lightly before leaving Terrence to go dig around in a large amount of clothing hanging up nearby, Eden looks back with a curious stare. "Easy to move in, huh? Are you paranoid by any chance, traveller?"

"What makes you say that?"

"You are tense." Eden points out as he pulls a denim collared jacket with quite a bit of inner pockets to measure it against the boy that just tensed up more. Signing lightly, Eden lightly rests her finger on the bandage on his left arm as he hands him the jacket over alongside a white shirt in satisfaction. "You are also hurt or were hurt. I would believe so since you are a traveller after all, and camping in the woods or running up with bandits and stuff is inevitable."

"I... that's... actually not wrong...." it's totally not like he is purposely running towards said bandits. Yup, totally not the case.

"Mhm, I know I am." Taking out a navy scarf alongside a pair of grey shorts, Eden hands it over before pushing Terrence into the changing room without another word. "Now, get changed, so I can adjust my choosing, dear."

Signing before obeying the bigender child who seems no older than Frederick and stepping out of the change room with a hand on his waist, Terrence pulls on the unbuckled jacket and looks out at Eden. "And?"

Squinting his eyes with a small hum, Eden nods her head before grabbing a pair of denim fingerless gloves and handing it over with a satisfied huff as Terrence puts them on. "Yup, you are good to go! You can keep those shoes, though. It seems to have better agility than anything I can offer."

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