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"... why am I being ghosted....?" Letting out a small whine with a shake of his head, Zachary leans back against the wall where they are waiting for the two to come back. "I didn't accidentally make him uncomfortable, right?"

"I- I'm sure you are fine, Zach!" letting out a weak snicker and slightly concerned as to what Vanessa could be up to right now, Sol just lightly grips his hands. 'Remember the plan. Vanny is counting on me.' nodding lightly to himself with a small huff, Sol looks up at the taller boy already staring down at him curiously and feels his courage slip slightly. 'I can do this.' Taking a deep breath before giving Zachary a small smile back, Sol speaks up. "Say, Zach... can you tell me what had happened before he started to... become a little distanced?"

"Well...." Lightly looking off to the side with his head leaning back against the wall, Zachary hums lightly as he starts thinking back to what event could possibly have triggered that, pausing as a certain memory crosses his mind. "During the masquerade... I invited Rence to dance in the yard?"

"That night? That sounds nice, though!" smiling lightly and really can't see why the more pessimistic... no, the more realistic boy would suddenly go quiet, Sol taps his chin lightly as he tries to come up with a way to help. "Can you... tell me what happened during the dance then? I'm merely curious!" Sol asks with a bright smile. Smiling back and lightly patting the small boy on the head, Zachary thinks back to the event.

"Well, he said he doesn't remember how, so I offered to lead, I took us to the yard because he doesn't look like he is enjoying the crowd all that much." Zachary starts with his eyes off to the side, slowly starting to drown in his own thoughts. "He was quite hesitant at first and tense, focused way too much on what he is supposed to do, which... totally makes sense if we are thinking about the fact that he most likely learnt the leading part of the dance due to being born as a boy." After a bit of overanalyzing, Zachary quickly stops himself from getting off track as he meets eyes with the sweat-dropping boy staring at him. "Umm... but yeah, he relaxed after a bit, and we just danced. That is basically all there is to it."

"Umm... any descriptions?" Asking lightly as he tries to think of how Vanessa would handle the situation, Sol smiles lightly, to which Zachary returns with one of his own and hums lightly as he thinks.

"Not sure why you would want to know, but if you must...." Looking back at the side as a few people walk across, talking happily to one another, Zachary lets a small yet softened smile onto his face. "It was peaceful. The moon is rather bright as well, while the wind isn't really all that chilly. And believe it or not, Rence really didn't look all that monotone at the time. It's honestly kind of cute." Letting out a small snicker as Sol stares at him curiously, Zachary continues lightly. "The wind would blow through his hair, flowing through the air, and his eyes shined under the moonlight. Don't know if it is because of the moon or the situation, but he really did look all soft and cuddy back there."

".... Zach?" Staring at Zachary while biting down an amused chuckle due to feeling quite bad for laughing at a time like this, Sol decides to ask lightly as he swings from his toes to his heel. "Do you... like Terry?"

"Hmm? Of course. Don't you?"

"No, no! Not like that!" Feeling a small sweat drop roll down his cheek, Sol lightly clears his throat before deciding to try his best to imitate Vanessa since he has absolutely no clue what he is supposed to do. "I meant like-like. You know? Like me and Vanny!"

"... We are friends, Sunny." Looking down without any sort of joking tone, Zachary looks back as he lightly rests his head on the wall. "I like him just the normal amount. Nothing more, nothing less."

"But... you do know that normal friends don't talk about each other like that, necessarily, right?"

"E- Eden?!" looking down at a person in a cape sitting right beside where they are talking, Sol's eyes widen as he walks over. "What are you doing here?!"

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