The Parent Pact Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Java Jones now has delivery service want me to order some Coffee and Doughnuts?" asked Clary.

Jace and Magnus had both decided to take the Kids out to the Park this morning so that Clary and Alec could have a few extra hours to themselves and rest before the Chaos of the day and parenthood continues.

"I'd do anything for a coffee right now," Alec mumbled running his fingers through his hair, he had only just finished getting dressed and had a little more colour in his cheeks compared to at Breakfast. "Me too," Clary nodded with agreement as she pulled out her phone from her back Jeans pocket and had made their order.

Between them Alec and Clary had finished Two entire boxs of Twelve Doughnuts with every two being a different flavour from: The Classic Original Glaze, Reese's Peanut Butter, The Pink iced bun filled with Strawberry Jam in the middle, Nutty Nutella, Coffee and Cream, Apple Pie and the Chocolate and Strawberry ring covered in multi coloured sprinkles.

"So fucking good," said Alec as he licked frosting from his lips.
"So good," said Clary as she downed her last drop of Black Coffee.
"Y'know what?"
"Screw them," said Alec "Screw both Jace and Magnus, we were drunk, not stupid."
"I know right?" Said Clary "Yet they're allowed to do it all the time and it is no trouble!"
"Exactly, I had a blast with you last night," said Alec taking another sip from his coffee.
Clary could feel a small smile tug at the corner of her lips as she looked at Alec remembering the events of the previous night as if she hasn't touched a single drop of alcohol, still so clear in her mind "Me too," she said.

Clary's comment made Alec smile "You did?" He asked.
Clary nodded "Of course I did...Mr Presley," she said giving him a wink, "I won't tell anyone your secret."
Alec started to chuckle and shook his head with amusement "And I with you Priscilla."

"Seriously though, Since when do you ever dance? And like that!"
"I should say the same thing about you," said Alec "Those guys were practically drawling over you Mama."
Clary started to blush "I don't know," she said "I grew up watching Elvis Movies-"

"Me too," said Alec quietly stirring of what remained in his Coffee cup with a small wooden stirrer, "I discovered Elvis when I used to steal Isabelle's Mundane Magazines and I just fell in love with the man, I watched every single one of his movies on illegal websites and I studied his choreography and dances until I could even do them in my sleep, doing it made me really happy and myself when back in the closet..."

"C'mon," said Clary getting up from the couch in the living room "Get up."
Clary took out her hand giving Alec a smile "C'mon you said dancing made you happy so we are going to stay happy despite how hung over we are."
Alec blinked at Clary's hand "You're serious?"
"Of course I am, why shouldn't we, Because Jace and Magnus doesn't believe us? And I think it should be a Parent Pact Tradition-"
"What Dancing?" asked Alec.
"Yes! We just need to let out our inner kid and just not care for once, we should do things we never get to do as you said at the Diner, even if its stuffing our faces with Doughnuts and dancing in the institute, no one's here to judge us."

Alec nodded a little clearly considering this, "Yeah..." he took Clary's hand and pulled himself up from the couch "Yeah let's do it."

"Hell Yeah!" Clary cheered and gave Alec a high five, she then ran into Simon's bedroom to get his Bluetooth speakers and returned all giddy. Alec raised an eyebrow with curiosity eyeing what was in Clary's arms "What's that?" he asked as Clary puts the speakers onto one of the tables, she took out her phone and goes onto the Spotify app, "Alec meet our new Bestfriend," said Clary just as Elvis Presley's 'Trouble' blasted through the entire institute.

"Clary...I fricking Love You Right Now!" Alec yelled over the music beaming like a child waking up and opening presents on Christmas day, it was as if Alec and Clary were  transported to  their very own night club with how loud the music was, Alec could feel the vibrations through the floor and the walls were even shaking. "No one cares!" Clary yelled back reminding Alec to just let loose and to just do what makes him happy. 

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