Chapter Eight: The Pact

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Sydney scowls, her eyes alight with hatred.

"Don't try and take it back," I whisper.

"I'm not going to take it back."

We are now just inches apart. I can almost feel her eyelashes against my forehead as she looks down at me, hatred distorting her pretty face into something ugly.

"Aw. Trying to stand up to me?" she leers.

"What do you think?"

"I think," she says, "you're a sad little freak."

Her blue eyes are soft for a second, before frosting over once more.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I ask.

She blinks and smiles cruelly.

"Because you're a slag," she whispers, her mouth next to my ear. "Who thinks she can win over other people's boyfriends by being all cute and innocent."

She grabs me by the shoulders for a second and looks me up and down.

"Leave me alone," I say, raising my voice.

"Oh, you want me to leave you alone?" she whimpers. "Are you scared?"

I am scared. I am terrified, but I can't let her see it. My feet are inches away from the top step. All she needs to do is push me and I will fall down the stairs.

"I'm not scared," I say. "Just please let me go, Sydney. What can I do to make you leave me alone?"

She pauses for a moment. Then, spinning me around by the shoulders so I'm no longer near the stairs, she lets me go.

"Don't acknowledge me at school," she says. "Don't speak to me at home unless our parents are in the room. And stay the fuck away from my boyfriend. I don't want you saying a word to him. 'Cause believe me, I will find out if you do."

I nod.

"Deal?" she whispers.

"Yes. Deal," I say, hating myself for surrendering to her unreasonable requests.

She nods before disappearing into the spare room. I'm left in a daze, my whole body trembling and coursing with adrenaline.

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