Chapter Seventeen: Turbulence

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In the evening, I find out that Jude and Sydney have broken up.

I can't believe it. They had always seemed pretty strong and steady. 

They were the kind of couple you'd expect to stay together.

When I go downstairs, Sydney is crying in her mother's arms. Cathy is frowning, the wrinkles on her forehead deepening ever so slightly. Dad is sitting on the sofa opposite, his face drawn and his eyes misted over.

"I feel sick," croaks Sydney. "It honestly feels like I've been stabbed in the stomach, but it's even worse. It's almost like someone's died."

Cathy nods and hugs her daughter tighter, which only makes her cry harder.

"He was everything to me. We had our future planned out and everything was perfect. Like, I honestly thought he was the one."

"I know. I know you loved him," murmurs Cathy. "You probably still love him, and that's okay."

"I don't know. I just... this can't be happening," whispers Sydney, breaking down again.

Dad reaches across and gives Sydney a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. My father is a kindhearted man, but he's never been the most skilled when it comes to emotional support.

I shuffle awkwardly into the living room. I'm expecting Sydney to give me one of her signature glares but she doesn't acknowledge my presence at all. She just sits there, slumped and sobbing, with her knees up to her chest.

As much as I dislike the girl, I can't help but feel bad for her.

I also can't help but feel guilty.

Extremely guilty.

While I'm fairly certain that the breakup was the result of a number of problems, I know deep down that my existence probably contributed somewhat. God knows why though. I don't think Jude likes me. I really don't. But Sydney was certainly convinced that he does, and maybe that ruined everything. 

Maybe I ruined everything.

I try to stop the vicious cycle of thoughts by going on my phone. 

Mae has sent me something on Messenger.

You free for a quick call?

I'm about to type back when the three dots appear. I wait for a moment until her next message comes in.

It's urgent.

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