Chapter Three: The Hammond Invasion

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It doesn't take long for them to move in.

On Saturday, I stand at the bottom of the stairs, looking out onto the drive. A big silver Skoda is parked a few feet away from the front door.

Dad is already outside, quite literally welcoming our new guests with open arms.

I step out in my socks, instantly regretting the decision. My feet are now soaked. I forgot it had rained last night.

"Want any help?" I ask, grimacing.

"Go and get Lucas," says Dad. "You can both carry some cases into the house."

Before I can turn around, the driver door opens and Cathy stumbles out, tall and blonde like her daughter.

Then the passenger door opens. My heartbeat quickens as Sydney emerges in a pair of pink block heels. She locks eye contact with me, stone cold and expressionless.

Cathy runs up to me, throwing her arms around my shoulders. She smells like bubblegum. Her face is kind and powdered with foundation, cobweb lines surrounding her soft grey eyes.

"Hello, Valerie!" she says. "It's so lovely to meet you."

"And you," I say.

I catch Sydney scrunching her face in disgust.

"I'll go fetch my brother," I say quickly.

"Oh, it's okay," says Cathy. "Sydney's boyfriend has agreed to help us. There he is now!"

She points at a van that's just pulled up at the side of the road. A boy around my age is sitting at the wheel, switching off the engine. Sydney walks over to the van, smiling smugly.

"Hiya, Jude," she says.

He climbs out, shutting the door behind him. He is tanned and slim, with muscular arms and messy brown hair that falls into his eyes.

Exactly the kind of guy I'd imagine Sydney to be dating.

He walks up to Sydney and kisses her quickly on the lips. I linger awkwardly as they smile at each other, his hands on her waist. I'm still standing halfway between the front door and the silver Skoda and I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing.

After a few moments, Jude looks away from Sydney and his eyes land on me. He smiles, revealing a set of unsurprisingly perfect teeth.

"Hey, I'm Jude," he says, walking towards me.

"Nice to meet you," I smile. "Do you want a hand with the cases?"

"Finally," sighs Jude. "Someone's actually offering to help me."

He shoots Sydney a look of mock annoyance and she laughs quietly.

I don't think I've seen her laugh before.

Jude turns back at me and grins. His eyes are dark and sparkly, like pieces of wet coal.

"That'd be grand," he says. "What's your name, sorry?"


He just stares at me for a moment, a smirk growing on his perfect face. His eyebrows are furrowed, dark eyes gleaming in amusement.

I know what he's thinking; Valerie is an old lady's name. Val, my nickname, is even worse. I've always been an easy target for bullies because I'm quiet and, as many people have told me, mellow, but my name makes me stand out like a flaming beacon. Sometimes I wish I could have been a Charlotte or a Lauren or an Emily. Someone with a name that doesn't scream 'I'm here!'.

Someone who can hide.

Jude closes his eyes for a second, mid smile. His eyelashes are long, like a camel's. He looks so careless and confident.

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