
421 28 14

Used Christmas tree by V to type this chapter .
It's a beautiful song :-)


He was back , the beast was back once again . His hair fiery gold black and red , eyes slits of black and red with golden ring around his orbs. He stands on top of the cliff , where he navigates his senses , shutting his eyes as he inhales the sweet scent of his prey ,boosting his appetite even more.

Rogue camps. He was going to massacre every rogue camp till there was none. The visible black veins that run throughout his whole body , creating networks of tunnels to transport his prey's bloods down his beastly being when he decides to suck them dry bulge from under his skin.

A sinister smirk , a glance from ice block cold eyes , then you know what is next.

Ready meal

"Breakfast in bed"

His deep voice sounds accompanied by a dark chuckle.

He inhales ,eyes shutting gracefully before they snap opened in alarm.

No , something is out there. Another person ,another predator had joined the club. Another blood thirsty monster such as him has joined the game ,the hunt.

And he wasn't happy about it. He didn't like sharing, especially not his rogues.

The beast stares into the depths of the forest ,analysing. Then he growls angrily ,orbs shaking left and right before he disappears ,leaving only a whisk of wind.

He wasn't going to share.

When he finally descends from his castle onto the land of his preys,the stench of blood hits him strongly , something he'd love if only it was done by him. The hunt wasn't over.

A wolf , white wolf was surrounded by five rogues , about not less that fifteen had been killed , brutally. Their body parts dislocated and tossed about uselessly. The white wolf


He stops in his tracks .

White wolf?

He stands frozen and watches as the wolf moves with unbeatable speed, his brutish killing commencing as he attacks one rogue, clamping it's canines on the neck of it's opponent and tearing his throat out. He spits it out and turns swiftly as he is attacked from behind.

The beast stands there distracted, feeling familiarity creep within him at the wild wolf.

The wolf was fast but it seemed it's defence was weak since it was fighting out of pure rage, bloodthirsty.

Then one boney wolf ,sneaky and loud as a hyena pounces on its back. The beast growls ,charges forward and tears the smaller one from the white wolve's back before it could even clamp it's jaws on the other's neck.

He breaks the neck and tears it's head from it's body ,tossing it aside.

The white wolf spins around , it growls and barks at the beast , barring it's fangs at the beast who gives him a blank stare, the gold around his orbs shining.

"You "

He speaks in a deep baritone,advancing towards the wolf who growls in warning , retreating. The beast doesn't even shake a hair as he continues. He stares into the wolf's eyes , hypnotizing it till it goes down on its limbs , as if surrendering.

A confused look crosses the wolf's bright green eyes , a little familiarity as well.

The beast squats in front of the wolf ,resting his elbow on top of one knee as he places the other on the ground .

EYES for LOVE ||J.JK✅ Where stories live. Discover now