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When I woke up, I was sprawled on the ground, trying to move , I felt the crunching of dried leaves under me. I groaned weakly and knitted my brows.

My eyes flew opened instantly and all I saw was white, pure whiteness. My vision...I blinked and nothing , it was pure white.

Memories came slamming into my mind and I instantly knew it, I was blind. I don't know what happened but even though I was blind,my senses were hyper active. My ears twitched as I heard footsteps nearing. The dried leaves crunched under the person's boot. I caught a whiff of a very unpleasant scent.

There was nothing I could do to get away before I'm found

Fear crept inside of me as I realized how defenceless I was.
If whoever that rogue is wants to kill me, he can with a snap of his fingers.
All of a sudden ,I was hauled by a rough hand and dragged against my will to a place I never knew. I knew when we entered a certain hall, next thing I know, I'm being presented to a group of people.


My heart plummeted. They knew me,they recognized me and they discussed me together with my mate ...how they were confused I was still alive.

I couldn't count but they were quite a lot,over about the number of ten.

"We cannot let her live! Let's get rid of her! He might find her and if he does, we are as good as death!" I heard one of them shout. It seems they had a leader but I couldn't quite hear who it was. I was made you kneel in front, not able to see anything and my heart racing against my chest,I listened.

"We are not going to kill her just yet. He's right , if we keep her alive, it'll come in handy".

Another voice argued. "Throw her in the cells ". The muffled voice commanded. That was the last thing before strong hands hauled me up roughly and began dragging me to roughly to the cells. I was shoved into a very disgusting smelly place, it smelled of rotten blood and pee,the ground was concrete cold and rough and I didn't fail to pick up the strongest scent of silver and wolfsbane.

I shuddered.


I don't know how long I had been where I am but I was slowly getting to understand what the Moon goddess meant by pain and suffering. From the turns, I could tell it has been roughly two days.

They took turns in tutoring me. The memory of my screams recoiled in my mind. So far I knew three guys by their scents.

They hated me, with passion...no,they actually hated Jungkook. It was no doubt they saw him as a threat. Throughout the torture, putting metal in fire, knives in fire and burning my skin to the pulp,they would talk about how much they despised Jungkook.
It was on the fourth day that someone came into the cell, my heart raced with fear as I knew it was torture time. However I was wrong.I knew the first thing they did before starting the torture is to dump a bucket of cold water all over me.

I was weakly slumped on my side,using my left arm as a pillow. My left hand felt numb for lying on it for so long. I weakly pulled myself up, wanting to crawl away from whoever it was. The red alarms in my head were blaring.

A certain sense wafted into my nose as the person approached. A scent too familiar for me to not be able to recall the owner.

My eyes widened.


My brows knitted , instantly recognizing the person.


EYES for LOVE ||J.JK✅ Where stories live. Discover now