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The house fell silent with the departure of her mate. Thea sat behind her laptop , smiling as she shook her head at the thought of her mate.

It was life ,they were happy abd she couldn't ask for anything else. Thea couldn't wait to meet the little girl that had rented an apartment inside of her without payment.

Yes ,they knew the gender now because they had it checked and it was a girl. She remembers how happy Luca was when he found out it was a girl , the expression he used to say he thought the baby was Luna and that Luna was coming back to him. The. He instantly named the baby Little Luna.

Thea knew he could never forget his sister and she embraced that fact , she embraced everything about him and accepted him.

As minutes passed by , Thea could hardly focus on the project she had to finish and submit to work. Then the next thing she knew , she heard a crash downstairs.

Thea jolted on her feet in alarm . Shakily, she began to walk warily towards the door. The lights began flicking and it didn't take long for them to go off.

Thea could hear footsteps, heavy boots hitting against the tiles downstairs.

"L-Luca ?"

She called shakily as she entered the hallway.

"L-Luca ? Are y-you back ?!"

She called ,her breathung fastening as she walked through the dark. She thought she felt someone flash past her. Thea whipped around but saw no one through the darkness. Fishing out her mobile phone from her dress , she turned on the flashlights , her eyes spotting coffee table that had been smashed into pieces.

Thea's eyes widened , her chest rising and   falling rapidly as she instantly began to try calling her mate.

Something whipped past her , she screamed and dropped the phone which went toppling down the staircase.

"Oh shit no no no !"

Thea held onto the metal rail , pulling up her dress as she tried to descend the stairs and get the phone. Due to her pregnancy, she could hardly perform that job without crying in pain. She couldn't descend very fast on her own.

It took just one step then she felt another whoosh behind her , this time there really was someone behind her.

"Going somewhere?"

A deep voice growled. Thea began to cry ,her hands gripping the rail as she felt herself tremble.

But she refused to turn , her hands instantly covering her bump as she tried to protect the only thing that she thought Luca must not loose.  Thea tried to run down the stairs but the pain wouldn't let her , then she felt a hand grab her hair , pulling her backwards .

She let out a scream. Her attacker grabbed her neck and slammed her into the nearest wall. Thea cried and began to struggling , scratching the person's hand.

"No please no "

She cried, struggling to breathe.

Luca Luca

She tried pushing against the  mindlink though she wasn't good at it . She was marked so she could mindlink him but being a human , she knew not much about it. Luca had taught her but she hardly used it.

However Thea could feel it , he had blocked her. She pushed against Luca's wall , still trying and begging in her head.

If Luca had blocked their mindlink ,then she could do very little about it. She was only human , her mental strength was average and as she continued to force it , she felt we if needles were being pricked inside her head.  Thea stopped trying when she felt her head being slammed against the wall.  But that didn't stop her from trying to get free.

EYES for LOVE ||J.JK✅ Where stories live. Discover now