Vol. 2 Chapter 7: The night they remember

Start from the beginning

Jaune is stunned he never thought about it that way, let alone tried to figure out why. He felt like a terrible person.

(Y/n): "Don't blame yourself for not knowing, this probably isn't something she wants people to know. So my advice to you, stop trying so hard all the time. I'm not saying to give up or anything like that. But don't force it. Just let it happen. Tell her how you feel truthfully when the time is right. And just let her make her own opinion, don't put on an act to impress her, or change who you are as a person to accommodate her, be yourself. If it was meant to be it'll happen, if not? Well, you're a good guy Jaune, there's plenty of women out there who would be happy to be with someone like you, some of them are closer then you think... you're just not looking in the right direction. And I know you really like Weiss so I can't tell you to forget about her and move on. If you were over it that quickly it would mean your feelings aren't real."

He pats his buddy on the shoulder and stands to leave.

Jaune: "Thank you (y/n)... again."

(Y/n): "You helped me when I was depressed about a girl, I'm just repaying the favor. Tell you what, if we're both still single by 50, then I'll marry you. It makes taxes easier that way." 

They both laughed at the idea knowing it wouldn't happen.

(Y/n): "Have a good night Jaune."

Jaune: "Yah you too..."

He turned to look but (y/n) was already gone.
Time skip brought to you by chibi (y/n) peacefully sipping tea on the roof with his knees to his chest and a blanket around his shoulders.
The night of the Dance.

Yang was standing at the front ready to greet people as they entered, wearing a simple but very cute white dress and heels, all the decorations were set and the music was already playing. Pairs of students dancing here and there on the dance floor.

Ruby walked, uh stumbled in, in a red dress and heels.


Ruby still struggling to walk.

Ruby: "Can we have a serious discussion about how Weiss fights in these?!"

Yang laughs at her sister's plight. The door opened soon after.

(Y/n): "I think it's one of those things better not to think about."

(Y/n) walked through the door wearing a 3 piece suit consisting of A crimson red Jacket with black lining, a black vest, a white collared shirt with a bow tie, black pants that matched the vest, and black dress shoes.

Kinda like this

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Kinda like this.
Yang: "Oooooo~ well aren't you fancy?"

He bowed exaggeratedly.

(Y/n): "Why thank you m'lady."

They all laughed a bit.

The door behind them opened revealing Blake and Sun walking in with their arms linked. Sun was wearing A black dress shirt and a white tie, he still wore his normal pants and arm bracers, but it was definitely more formal. Blake wore a simple yet elegant dark purple dress and a teal bow on her head.

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