Going Back

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I woke up, feeling very tired as I had gotten almost no sleep with all the nightmares I was having. I turned to look at Neil, he was still awake, he hadn't slept all night. 

On one hand I was upset about it 'cause he needed rest, but on the other glad as he helped me calm down with all the times I had woken up. I just really wish he had gotten some sleep.

-"Good morning" he mumbled, giving me a quick kiss.

-"Good morning...cat?" I noticed the black cat was perched by the window, scratching it as an attempt to open it.

-"I know you didn't sleep well but there is no way you are having hallucinations right now" I giggled, and shook my head.

-"No, not you the cat, look" he turned and chuckled, realizing what I meant.

-"Hello, kitty" I opened the window, letting him jump into my arms as I walked over to the bed.

-"You know where my parents are?" Neil asked and it gave a nod. It jumped off the bed and walked out of the room, I gave Neil a look before we both rushed after it.

I gasped as the large mirror in the hallway showed us Neil's parents covered in snow and shivering from the cold. Neil walked to the mirror, staring at it in shock. His parents wrote 'Help Us' on the mirror and then they vanished. Neil got closer to the mirror and pounded his fists against it in an attempt to open it.

-"Niel! Stop You'll hurt yo-" the mirror broke, the piece of glass going everywhere.

-"Neil, be careful please" I carefully walked over to him, taking a look at his hands that were bleeding from the glass scratching against his knuckles.

-"Let's get you cleaned up" I helped him up and we walked over to the bedroom. I told him to sit while I got the safety kit from the bathroom.

-"You're lucky there isn't any glass on you, this may sting a little" he gave a yelp as I disinfected the cuts.

-"Little?" he groaned, glaring at me.

-"Just be grateful it's over" he rolled his eyes playfully and I wrapped his knuckles with bandages.

-"Alright, I'm done, just be careful, okay?" he gave a nod as I kissed his cheek.

-"Now kitty, let's get you some milk and you can explain to us how this happened" I turned to walk but felt a tug at my jeans. The kitty stood there, pointing a paw under the bed where he pulled a stuffed doll.

-"She took them," Neil said after picking up the doll to reveal Mel on one side and Charlie on the other in doll form.

-"Let's go then, we have to save them, they can't come back on their own" Neil said and walked around his room, handing me my bag and giving me various items to put inside.

-"Well at least he's prepared" I told the kitty after Neil left to the living room, I assumed.

-"Meow!" I followed after the cat, letting him lead me to the living room. All three of us stood in the living room staring at the little door.

-"Ready?" Neil asked.

-"No, but let's go"


I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I'm not sure how many chapters there is left but not that many.

Once this is completed I'll count up votes for the question I asked last week I think and we'll see which Halloween movie you guys get.


Coraline (Male! Coraline x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now