Bobinsky, Bobinsky, Bobinsky

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We put on our raincoats and boots, making our way out the door over to the so-called 'dingbat' actresses. As I closed the door Neil looked around at the pile of packages on the front step.

-"Bobinsky, Bobinsky, Bobinsky-" a pungent smell of cheese was seeping off of the packages.

-"Let's go take them to him, he's in the upstairs apartment" I offered, looking at the sign that addressed, 'Bobinsky there'.


-"I think our mail got mixed up" there was no answer as we knocked on the door.

-"Let's just leave it outside, the mailman would have done that" Neil suggested, and put the packages near the door but they fell and opened the door.

We peeked inside, it was an interesting scene. Clothes were hung around to dry, a pot of boiling something was over a stove, there was a chicken clucking and a clutter of weird artifacts and furniture. The pungent smell of cheese was orbiting the room.

-"Secret!" I yelped as a hand reached behind us to slam the door closed.

-"Famous jumping mice circus not ready...little boy, little girl"


-"We bought this for you" Neil handed him all the packages of cheese.

-"Mmmm" Mr. Bobinsky, I assumed his name was, sniffed the cheese, inhaling the pungent smell.

-"There new cheese samples for the mouse circus, little mooshka's like stronger cheese"


-"I'm Y/n, this is Neil, his family just moved in downstairs"

-"And I'm the Amazing Bobinsky, but you two can call me Mr. B"

-"Because amazing, I already know that I am"

-"Uh...we need to go"

-"Here, have a beet, make you strong" he handed us beets.


-"Thank you"

-"Do svidaniya!"

-"Bye!" I waved goodbye as he walked into his house.

-"You understood what he said?"

-"Nope, I just assumed it was some form of goodbye" Neil nodded and we walked down the steps over to the downstairs.

-"Neil! Y/n! Wait!" Mr. B jumped from his balcony to stand next to us. Neil and I stared with our mouths opened, confused on how he was able to land safely from such a high spot.

-"The mice asked me to give you message" he whispered.

-"The jumping mice?"

-"They are saying..." he looked around us as if looking to see who was around before continuing.

-"Do not go through little door"

-"Do you know such a thing?"

-"The one behind the wallpaper?" I asked.

-"It's all bricked up," Neil added.

-"Bah! So, sorry, is nothing, sometimes mice get mixed up" with that said he left.


I hope you liked the chapter! 


Coraline (Male! Coraline x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now