Jumping Mice Circus

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-"Great! Another Wybie" Neil scoffed after the other mother opened the door to let a button-eyed Wybie in.

-"Hi, Wybie!" I waved and he waved back but remained silent.

-"Wybie?" it was freaking me out a bit that he wouldn't speak.

-"I thought you'd like him more if he spoke a little less, so I fixed him," the other mother explained.

-"So he can't talk at all?" Neil asked her.

-"Nope" I stared in horror between her and Wybie.

-"Hmm...I like it" Neil said and I glared at him.

-"Now run along you three" she led us out the door, giving us an eerie smile as she closed it.

-"It doesn't hurt, does it?" I asked Wybie who gave no reply but pointed up to a hot air balloon type of thing that was glowing a bright turquoise.

-"Come on!" I took Neil's had and Wybie's dragging them along with me as I rushed up the stairs to Mr. B's home.

-"Do we knock or-" Neil was cut off after he had knocked. The door flipped over and had us fall into the inside of the house.

-"Whoa" all three of us looked around, eyes filled with curiosity at the warmly lit room. There was a popcorn machine, cotton candy cannons, and a small orange and red tent in the middle.

-"How cool" Wybie played around with the cotton candy cannons, I looked at the popcorn machine with Neil. We all got our set of treats and made our way into the tent.

-"Lady and Gentlemen!" we sat inside, on the outside edge of a circular ring.

-"For to tickle your eyes and ears, and making hearts to thump..."

-"I, Sergei Alexander Bobinsky, am introducing my astoun-dishing, stupen-dulous, and amazing!"

-"Jumping Mice Circus!" a hot air balloon came out and made a full circle before crashing down to release a bunch of jumping mice that spelled out Neil's full name.

-"My name!" the jumping mice show was very cute and entertaining, they played drums and trumpets and hopped and danced all around the center of the ring. Towards the end they made this type of towers over a base to reveal Mr. B.

-"Yeah! Whoo!"

-"That was great!" we clapped and cheered as Mr. B bowed.

-"Very, very, thank you, lady and gentlemen" as he bowed a bit further all the little jumping mice hid inside of his suit and the last one that was on a round red colored ball, hid in his hat.

-"That was incredible!" I clapped as Mr. B smiled.

-"It was so...so..." Neil struggled to find a word to describe the show.

-"Ahh?" Mr. B hinted.


-"You three are very welcome anytime you'd like"

-"Do svidaniya, Y/n, Neil" he patted Neil's head and took my hand, kissing the top of it.

-Going back to the other parents-

After waving Wybie goodbye and biding a goodnight the other parents took us to our rooms. The other mother kissed the top of my head, before waving goodnight and leaving with the other father. I was about to get up to go over to Neil's room when the door opened quietly.

-"I thought I'd come to you tonight, I've never seen your room" he looked around.

-"It suits you" he chuckled, picking up a little frog stuffed animal that sat on my bed.

-"Goodnight" I laid on the right side of the bed while he laid on the left.

-"Goodnight" with that said, sleepiness came along quickly, leaving me no time to think about tonight's events.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Sorry it's late!


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