The Theater Show

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Once we entered the open door, a little dog 'inspected' us with a flashlight before letting us sit down.

-"So many dogs" I mumbled, staring wide-eyed at the theater filled with only dogs.

-"Hi Wybie!" I waved as we took our seats. He waved back, giving a shy smile.

The theater show was very...interesting. I don't know what seemed worse, the fact that Miss Spink and Miss Forcible were practically naked or the way two full grown ladies fought on stage. I can't even tell who felt more uncomfortable, Neil and Wybie or me.

The show finished off with everything falling down on them as they kept bickering over who was the star. The dogs all barked, wagging their tails as a clap. Neil, Wybie and I clapped as well, awkwardly and mostly confused to what we had just seen.

-"That was..."

-"Something" Neil finished for me while Wybie shrugged, giving a 'don't ask me' look.

-"Look"  Neil said, pointing forward at a little dog that brought out a small bucket.

We all turned to each other then back at the stage. The spotlight split into two then went from the bottom to the top to show Miss Spink and Miss Forcible at the top on a set of 'diving boards'.

-"Oh no" I covered my eyes.

-"No, look" I peeked, and watched the ladies pull zippers to remove the suits they were wearing to reveal two younger ladies than the older ladies from before.

They did these cool acrobatic tricks, jumping from different handles and tossing each other from side to side before taking Neil's hands to have him tossed around as well. I giggled at Neil to see his frightened face changing to one full of excitement and joy. I kept laughing until they took my hands. My once laughter was turned into screams as I feared falling down from such a high place.

They let go of us and had us hanging on the stage lights holder thingy while they jumped into the small water bucket from earlier. My hands were slipping, I closed my eyes shut in fear that I wouldn't be able to hold on much longer. When I did fall I landed bridal style in Neil's arms while he was held up by Miss Spink and Miss Forcible.

-"I didn't know you were afraid of heights?" he asked.

-"Well there was never an occasion were I was put in a high place"

-"And I wasn't the only one scared," I teased.

-"I was scared for a minute, you were screaming the whole ti-" I pecked his lips to stop him from embarrassing me.

-"Fine, you win," he admitted and gave me a smile.


I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!


Coraline (Male! Coraline x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now