Wybie Lovat

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-"Magic dowser, magic dowser, show me the well!" Neil spun around with the branch waiting for the well to appear.

The well didn't appear, but something else did. An air horn blared loudly along with thunder clapping making the scene even more terrifying. Neil pulled me behind him, I peeked by his shoulder trying to see who it was. Not much could be seen about the figure, a skeleton type of mask covered their face, and they moved too quickly on their bike to let me see anything else.

-"Get away from us!" Neil yelled and whacked them with his branch, causing the skeleton masked person to fall over and land in the muddy ground. They got up and lifted their mask to reveal a boy, one who seemed to be around our age with brown curly locks and brown eyes.

-"Let me guess, you're from Texas or Utah, some place dried out and barren, right?" I walked over from behind Neil and shook my head.

-"Michigan" I replied, and he made an 'ohh'.

-"You know, I've heard of water-wizarding and witching before but it doesn't make sense, it's just an ordinary branch?" the boy played around with Neil's branch.

-"It's a dowsing rod!" Neil snatched it from him, glaring while the boy nervously shifted around on his feet.

-"Is this your cat?" I asked, petting the black cat once more.

-"No, he's not really my cat, he's kinda feral"

-"You know, wild?" he clarified.

-"Of course, I do feed him every night, and he comes by my window bringing me little dead things" I made a 'yuck' face, while Neil just scoffed.

-"Neil's looking for a well, know where one is?" seeing as Neil wasn't one for talking right now, I went ahead and asked.

-"You two stand there any longer and you'll fall right in one" Neil quickly stepped out of the fairy circle, pulling me close to him.

-"See?" the boy dug around in the mud to reveal a wooden cover.

-"It's supposed to be so deep, that if you fell into the bottom and looked up you'd see a sky full of stars in the middle of the day" Neil fiddled around with the well cover while I went over to the edge of the hill, staring out at Neil's new home with the boy.

-"Surprised she let you move in"


-"My grandma, she owns the Pink Palace, won't rent it to people with kids, I'm even more surprised that there's two of you" I giggled at his mistake.

-"We're not siblings, I'm just visiting for a long, long while"

-"Why won't she rent it out, you know, to people with kids?" I asked, a bit concerned for Neil's sake.

-"I-I'm not supposed to talk about it..."

-"...I'm Wybie, Wybie Lovat"

-"Wybie? Never heard that name, sounds cool!"

-"Short for Wyborne, not my idea, of course"

-"I'm Y/n, and this is Cor-"

-"Neil, I don't use my full name" Neil cut me off.

-"Well, they're not real 'scientific', but I've heard that ordinary names like those can lead people to have ordinary expectations about a person"

-"It's a good point"


I hope you guys liked the chapter!


Coraline (Male! Coraline x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें