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Neil paced around his bedroom, waiting for the other's to fall asleep so he could go over to Y/n's room. He stopped pacing and opened the door quietly, seeing all the lights off and hearing no sounds besides the small crickets chirping.

He tipped over to her room, giving a sigh as he opened her room only to find it completely empty. He called out her name quietly, seeing if she perhaps was playing a joke on him or something, but silence was all he got as a reply.

-"Y/n! We have to go, there's no time for jokes..."

-"Please come out" he begged her to come out, panicking as silence surrounded him.

-"This better be some joke" he mumbled, rushing down the stairs to look for her all over the house.

He tried the living room doors, locked of course, he went to the other father's study to see if she was there or maybe the other father could help. Upon entering, it was dark, only lit by the moonlight that was coming from the open windows. The other father just tapped on certain keys blandly, almost as if he was drained of energy or depressed.

-"Hey, you! Where's Y/n?!" the other father hadn't moved or said anything, only kept tapping on the piano keys.

-"WHERE IS SHE?!!" Neil walked over to him, turning the other father to face him.

-"All will swell soon as mother's refreshed, for her strength is our streng-" he was cut off by the piano hands that covered his mouth so he wouldn't speak further.

-"Mustn't talk when mother's not here" he turned around, tapping his piano keys once more.

-"Fine! Don't talk, I'll ask the other Wybie to help!"

-"No point, he pulled a long face and mother didn't like it, she-" he was cut again, at this point Neil didn't care he rushed out, slamming the doors shut.

-"Where does Wybie even live?" he mumbled as he walked outside, in search of his house or something.

-Not here that's for sure" the cat chuckled as Neil wandered into a cherry blossom forest.

-"What is this?" as they walked they ended up in a blank space, only white could be seen.

-"It's the empty part of the world, she only made what would impress you"

-"Then Y/n has to be in the house, and Wybie? Where would he be?" the cat gave a look, as if saying 'who knows'.

-"And we're back" the cat chuckled as they stood at the front of the house. Neil stood there staring at the house before looking down at the cat that gave a meow and jumped into a bush, coming out with one of the circus mice.

-"I don't like rats at the best of times" he told Neil after biting the mouse to reveal a rat stuffed with sand.

-"Good kitty" Neil told him as the cat left, the rat in his mouth.

Neil entered the house once more, taking a cane from the front entrance as he did. He checked every part of the house, all that was left was the living room which was locked.

-"She must be in there" he whispered to himself as he pulled the handles off with the cane.

With the handles off he pushed the doors open to find a dark room, pitch black. It was suddenly lit up with neon bright colored bug furniture that arranged themselves around the room, one making sure to block the small door.

-"They say even the proudest spirits can be broken...with love" the other mother was sitting on a bug shaped sofa.

-"WHERE'S Y/N? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?" a bug chair moved itself to Neil, grabbing him to sit.

-"Is that anyway to talk to your mother?"

-"You are not my mother" he glared at her, almost scoffing out the words.

-"Apologize at once, Cornelius"


-"1..." as she counted her appearance changed, to look taller, thinner and more spider-like.


-"3!" she yelled, grabbing Neil from his chair and dragging him to a large mirror, pushing him inside.

-"You can come out when you learn to be a better son, and Y/n, she won't be coming out anytime soon" she laughed and left.


I hope you guys liked the chapter, sorry I couldn't update yesterday.


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