Vol. 2 Chapter 4: The plan falls apart

Start from the beginning

Blake swings Yang around who punches the Mech directly. The mech crashes to the ground barely functioning. It stands once more.

Ruby: "Black flash!"

(Y/n) throws Yoru at the mech before grabbing Blake's hand. Yoru flies right past the mech at super sonic speed. He spins the girl gaining momentum, Blake and (y/n) vanish then reappear behind the mech. (Y/n) throws Blake at the mech, Blake uses her clones to dash around slashing at the defenseless Metal. (Y/n) throws Yoru once more.

(Y/n) breathes. Exhaling. Time seemed to slow down around him. Even Blake as fast as she was didn't seem to move. Just as Yoru was about to strike the mech, he teleported and slashed at the same time before grabbing Yoru and throwing it again, this time in a different direction. Teleporting he reappeared and slashed again, then he repeated the process but slashed 2 times. Teleporting again he slashed 3 times, then 4, we was going to go for another 'vanishing slash' this time with 5 hits. But he felt a sharp pain in his head signifying him time was up. Grabbing Blake he threw Yoru one last time. And reappeared holding Blake princess carry style, before what was once a proud atlas Mech, crumbled and turned to dust.

From the outside perspective it was a millisecond second of yellow flashes before (y/n) and Blake reappeared in front of the destroyed mech.

(Y/n) turned to face Roman.

Roman: "My mech! It's in a thousand pieces!!"

(Y/n): "Nah I think it's more then that."

Roman: "ok 5000!"

(Y/n): "Little more!"

Roman: "10,000?!"

(Y/n): "bring it down just a teensy bit."

Roman: ".... 9000?"

(Y/n) grabs blake's hand holding Gambol shroud and uses it to fire a round into a piece, cutting it in half.

(Y/n): "How bout now?"

Roman: "IT... it's... over.... wait I see what you're doing! I'm not gonna say it."

(Y/n) now pissed off that his joke is ruined uses Blake's hand to shoot Roman who blocks the round but gets knocked over in the process.

Roman fell to the ground dusting off his suit.

Roman: "I just got this thing cleaned."

The rest of team RWBY run up and stand defensively in front of Blake and (y/n). Yang fired a shot gun blast at the man. But a girl with a pink umbrella fell to the ground and blocked it.

Roman: "Well ladies, hat freak, ice queen."

(Y/n), Weiss: "Hey!"

Roman: "Always a pleasure. Neo if you will."

The girl now known as Neo bows forward smirking. Yang charges forward to attack but when she makes contact the two criminals shatter and disappear. Next thing they know they see Roman and Neo flying off in a bullhead.

(Y/n) put a blushing Blake back down on her feet gently. After making sure she was able to stand he fell to one knee.

Yang: "I guess he got a new henchman?"

Weiss: "I guess you could say she really made our plans... fall apart?"

(Y/n): (panting) "No... just... no..."

He falls forward onto his face.

(Y/n): "Ow..."

Weiss: "You and Yang do it!"

Yang: "There's a time and a place."

Weiss: "Was this not it?!"

(Y/n): (muffled by the ground still out of breath) "No, it just... wasn't... very good."

(Y/n): good thing it hurts to laugh. I'm sorry bestie but I must keep up my image! Forgive me!!!

Weiss: "Well at least I'm trying!"

Ruby: "Speaking of trying, (y/n) what was that?! I've never seen you do that before it was so COOL you were all like 'hwaaaaahhhh' slashing and stuff so fast I couldn't see!"

(Y/n), breathing heavily, slowly started pushing himself off the ground into a sitting position.

(Y/n): (panting) "Don't.... tell... Pyrrha."

He looked down and returned to sucking in air.

Blake: "How long have you been able to do that?"

(Y/n): "Uhm... when was my birthday?"

Weiss: "And you only used it now?!"

(Y/n): "Well I'm sorry! If you couldn't tell it's not exactly ready yet! I still clunk out like this everytime! Does anyone have some water for me to drink?"

Weiss blasts him in the face with high pressure water from Myrtenaster.

(Y/n): (in the distance weakly) "Thanks bestie."

Ruby: "Let's head home. We have a lot to talk about."

(Y/n): "Uh this is really embarrassing..."

They all look over at him.

(Y/n): "Yang can you carry me?"

Yang just rolls her eyes and goes to pick him up.

(Y/n): "Thank you..."

Yang: "Mhm.."
Timeskip brought to you by chibi sun and chibi neptune eating noodles.
Team RWBY enters their dorm completely drained. (Y/n) now capable of standing on his own limps to his bed and falls over on it.

Ruby: "Guys. We still need to go over our findings."

(Y/n): "UUUGH!"

He sits back up.

They all list off what they found out. But (y/n) was silent the entire time.

Ruby: "(y/n) anything to add?"

(Y/n) shook his head and waved them off.

(Y/n): "Not really. I just wanna go to bed."

The rest of them agreed.

They all went to get ready for bed.

After they were all changed into their PJ's (y/n) sat on the edge of his bed staring at the clothes he bought for today.

Blake: "I already told you it didn't look bad. "

(Y/n) looked up to see Blake raising an eyebrow at him.

(Y/n): "I know. Just kinda bummed that I'll never get to use it after tonight. It was fun though."

Blake: "Why would it be a one time use?"

(Y/n): "Well that was the idea I thought. I mean unless you plan on having your midriff showing at all times wouldn't you say that your outfit tonight was a one time use? Not that I'd complain..."

Blake just looked away turning bright red.

(Y/n) looked back down at the clothes in his hands

(Y/n): "Besides I don't know if it's really my style."

Blake: "I don't know... I kinda liked the look... you were really cool, it suits you. Like a ninja or something..."

(Y/n) smiles a little then his grin turns into a smirk. He looks up at Blake with a smug smile on his face.

(Y/n): "Did I look like a 'ninja of love'?"

(Y/n) gets hit in the face by a pillow, knocking him over. Said pillow was thrown by an embarrassed and tomato red Blake.

(Y/n): "I want you to know I'm never letting you live that down."

Blake pouts embarrassed while (y/n) laughs.
A/n: I know I know it's a short chapter. But that's really all that happens. Anyway hope you enjoyed and as always have a good one. Cheers!

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