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"What's that little smile for?" Taehyung asks.

"Huh?" Yoongi looks at him, realizing he'd zoned out. "Oh. Nothing." He clears his throat. "I'm just having a really good week."

"I bet so." Hailey grins. "You're going home for the holidays this year, aren't you?"

She knows that Yoongi has mentioned something about it to them. But it was very briefly and he had a surgery briefing to get to so he was in a rush.

Kyra looks at him as she listens for his reply.

"I am." Yoongi says with a smile.

"Oh, you're finally going home to your family?" Kyra asks, quirking a brow. "They must've missed not seeing you for so long."

Her tone is forced and Yoongi feels the slight condescendence in it.

He side eyes her before looking at her full on. "My family is actually always with me, Kyra. I'm surprised that you don't know that as much attention as you pay." He smiles at her before turning back to his food.

Hailey pokes her lips out, looking between them. That's the first time that Yoongi has ever openly expressed his distaste in front of them.

He always keeps his mouth closed when others are around. He doesn't care for workplace drama, nor does he care for any scene that Kyra will try to make. This is their job and they're there to work and help people. Not bicker and argue over essentially nothing.

But contrary to her usual attitude, Kyra says nothing in return. Taken aback by his sudden verbal backlash, she's mute.

She hadn't expected him to reply like that to her. Usually, he just ignores her words or sits there. The fact that he said something back is surprising to her.

It's also a matter of what he's said that has her mind beginning to think.

What could he mean? His family is always with him? How so?

How could that be? He's always at work and she's surely never seen his parents or anyone coming in claiming to be his family.

He doesn't have any tattoos, that she knows of. His skin is free of any ink, what she's seen of it anyway.

She looks at his hands as he uses the chopsticks to pick up his chicken. Sometimes he uses chopstick, other times, he uses forks and spoons. He's so random in the way that he does things.

His fingers are the same pastel shade of his neck and face. They're long and nimble; she knows. She's seen them in action. She's watches him type, she's watched him write. She's even watched him sew and stitch.

Yoongi is agile and gentle with everything that he does. He's very patient and seemingly nonchalant. He rarely has any aggression in him at all. There are moments and times that call for him to be stern and hold a firm ground. But even then, he isn't hostile in any way.

Turning back to her meal, Kyra stares at her bowl. Yoongi's phone vibrates and he looks over at the screen as he chews. His eyes subtly widen as he hurriedly reaches to pick it up.

He unlocks it and reads the message from Harper.

Have you seen Onyx's pacifier?

If you haven't, it's okay. I'll get him
a new one. I just wanted to make sure
that it's actually lost before I get it

Oh... I lost it.. again

I apologize. It keeps disappearing
on me. I have no clue where it is. I'm
sure that I clipped it to his shirt but I couldn't find it when I needed it

Healing Harper-MYG✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin