Chapter 22

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It was a warm afternoon. Irene sat at her desk, glaring intensely at her computer monitor. Her science division coworkers all did the same. After going over statistics and print outs Irene compiled a report and took it to Hellenbrand.

"I have some data I believe we can act on, sir." She said handing him the folder of documents.

"Impressive work." He said opening the folder to examine the contents.

"My team and I went over all the most recent scans of the area. You can see there are some erratic patterns not far the 8th module. The anomalies are a good indicator of possible elementian presence and activity." Irene explained.

"And what are the odds it isn't?" He asked.

"The 9th module is probably our best, and it's right next to 8.  We managed to integrate the 9th module into a large radio dish outside a small town. It's the largest dish and thanks to the modifications we made, it is the most powerful and reliable. Plus if you compare it to the data We gathered from our previous trip out here, from when our airship was attacked, it's all in this general region. I'd say there's 75% chance it's elementian, 25% not." Irene stated confident in her and her teams work.

"After you were attacked and we lost Private Jedaqie I was nervous our morale and progress would decline. But you actually picked up the pace. I'm proud of your teams work." Hellenbrand was genuinely impressed.

"Well. I used it as a motivator sir. We owe it to him to finish this." Irene replied modestly.

"75... it's not 100% but It's certainly worth investigating. Thank you Lt." He saluted.

The camp began to prepare to send out a small squadron to search for the elementian target based on the data Irene and her team gathered. They traveled for a few hours, driving cautiously. They stayed alert for anything or anyone lying in wait. After driving close enough to their intended destination, they decided to camp the night and carry out the rest of the mission at dawn. 

The following day, the Grand soldiers were all ready to continue their mission before the sun had risen. To maintain a lower profile, they decided proceed the rest of the way on foot and to split into 6 groups, lead, 1, 2, 3, 4 and overwatch then fan out around the designated target area, That Irene had marked for them. She also had a handheld tablet on her to monitor the scans in real time.

Irene was part of the squad lead group and they got into their position.

"This is squad leader. In position. Report in." Irene's group leader whispered into his radio.

"Group 2, ready sir."

"Roger that, group 3 is a go."

"Group 1, ready."

"Group 4, waiting on green light."

"This is Overwatch, my eyes are open."

"Alright. We want the elementian alive. Non lethal rounds, non lethal force. We do this quick and quiet. Overwatch has eyes on us from the high ground to provide sniper support. This is why we are out here so let's make it count. We proceed forward and close in towards the center. Any one that isn't one of us, secure them and we take them back. Watch the crossfire. The light is green ladies and gentlemen, the light is green," the squad leader said. He motioned for Irene to remain behind as the rest of the group slowly began to move out. With rifles drawn, they scanned the area. Tall grass that grew to their knees and some wild shrubbery decorated the landscape, the sun was still barely up, offering a little light.

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