Chapter Fifteen

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!!CW!! Graphic Violence !!CW!!

The day had finally come when I fully regained my strength. Now, I could be out in the open; cool breeze rustling the leaves of towering trees against the dazzling afternoon sun. Conan and I were back in the same clearing we'd used before, this time without Cienna's disruption. I let the fresh air fill my lungs, closed my eyes and was lightly delighted when another scent mingled with it. Fluttering my eyes open, I took a glance at Conan who was focused on the foreign book, brows furrowed in concentration. I couldn't help the small smile that made its way to my lips, though it quickly faded when I realized I had no reason to be smiling like an idiot whilst ogling at him. So, I looked away, berating myself for being strange with a scowl.

The truth was, he had occupied my mind since that day — the time I got so intoxicated yet could somehow remember every bit and piece. It was probably my conscience that gave me a sharp and humbling reminder of just how much of an embarrassment to the Alpha bloodline I was that fateful evening; uncouth and very much carefree. So carefree, that the mate I refused ended up holding me so close that I could just lean and-

I gulped, horrified and ashamed of my lascivious thoughts towards the unsuspecting man. I flinched when he called out to me, beckoning me to move and see the page he was pointing at. And so I did, albeit moving in a rigid manner like a newborn learning to walk. It was unbecoming of me to be so... confused, to be so overwhelmed by a sensation I could not even put into words. We have not discussed what happened that night; not even once, not even as a joke. Perhaps we collectively decided in our minds that it was not something to be talked about, which was a little disappointing — I wanted to know why he looked at me that way, like he wanted to say something or do something but was too hesitant to put anything into reality.

Alas, I reached him with my eyes glued to the book; frightened that if I dare look elsewhere, these obscure thoughts would dominate again. Unknown to me was the confusion in his eyes as he stared at me, breathing delayed.

"You smell like dark chocolate and cedarwood."

I backed away, wide-eyed. "Excuse me?"

He blinked, a look of surprise registering across his face as it reddened. "W-what I meant is you smell different. Like you don't smell like the one I'm used to, well, you don't really smell much before, but I- well- I didn't-" he was stammering. An immensely sweet scent of caramel wafted from him. To escape the awkward tension between us, I snatched the book from his hands and moved away. The scent was still lingering in the air between us, but I could focus as I toned down my own.

What in God's name was that? How could I give off such a strange smell? I thought to myself as I landed on a starter technique — just what I needed for a distraction. It claimed to be a foundation that utilizes the magic laying dormant within my golden blood. It looked fairly easy; not much force was needed except that it may take intense emotions in order to create a 'doorway' to this magic, so I decided to give it a try.

Regulating my breaths, I shut my eyes, trying to harness the magic using the hatred I felt for Cienna. Except I felt nothing other than the usual werewolf magic that I'd already trained with. Frowning, I looked at the book again, giving it more attention before trying once more. Again, it was futile.

"Is this book nothing but mediocre fiction?" I grunted, glaring at the innocent book with disdain.

"I don't think King Galen would protect and hide a false book in his possession just for entertainment," Conan announced as he walked towards me. The puzzling scents earlier were no longer there, thank goodness.

"Then why does it not work? Must I try an advance one to match my abilities?" I questioned as I flipped through pages to look for the 'ultimate' technique which I assumed would be there. He peered over at it too, equally curious, before we stopped at the last page of the book.

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