Chapter One

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In this world, power isn't everything; it is the only thing. That is how I have lived my life as the Crown Princess, and that is how I shall live my life as the Alpha.

"Checkmate," I announced as I moved my Queen to trap the opponent's king. I stared smugly at the piece before looking across the board with raised eyebrows. "Care for another match, Father?"

Galen Saurore, the Alpha king, gave me a small frown. It brought me great satisfaction to know I could outwit the King in the game he loved the most. It gave me a sense of power, seeing the defeat in his otherwise proud golden eyes — a shade mirrored by my own — over such a trivial match.

"No. I must refuse, Evelyn. Although I enjoy these matches with my daughter, I am here for more than mere games of chess." His eyes narrowed on me. "Evelyn, I still insist that you find your mate. Your reign is forthcoming, and so far you have not even a dime to show for it."

I rolled my eyes before he'd even finished his sentence. Mate — of course, the subject had plagued me from the moment I turned eighteen. It had only been a year and yet the palacefolk acted like I'd been mateless for decades. I didn't know how many more pitiful glances I could stand before I would snap. Didn't these people know I was content with my situation, that a life without love would make no difference at all? If anything, love would only hinder me.

"A king going back on his word loses his credibility in ruling a kingdom. Do you not agree?" I asked, mocking innocence as I tilted my head to the side.

"And a Crown Princess refusing to look for a mate loses a kingdom and a lineage, does she not?" My father replied, mimicking my movement gallingly.

I frowned and leaned back, crossing my arms over my chest. "I am offended that you see me so unfit to rule a kingdom on my own that you believe I really will lose one."

"Please, Evelyn, understand that that is not my point. My wish is for you to consider looking for a mate that will support you once you ascend the throne. A stable anchor once the responsibilities as the Alpha pile up like large waves."

"Waves that I can sail on," I insisted, emphasizing my point. "Father, I beg for you to stop with this insanity already. I do not need a mate. I can do this on my own."

My father looked disappointed, a flash of sadness crossing his eyes before he let out an audible sigh. He pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation.

"How can my daughter be so stubborn? If only your mother-" He halted, catching himself before he could even finish his sentence. The air thickened around us, and I knew why. Mentioning my mother had become a taboo of its own. It was as though her name was a jinx no one wanted to associate with, leaving only a bitter taste in the mouth it came from.

Not wanting to have that kind of discussion any longer, I steered the conversation back to the sole reason my father had taken the time off of his duties to see me — the Grand Ball.

"Regardless, I still decline your idea of holding that stupid gathering for the sake of finding a mate. You wouldn't assume that a single ball will help me find one, right, Father?" I asked, standing to walk towards my desk. On it sat piles of parchments and letters from neighbouring kingdoms, all of which had been assigned to me as practice for my rein.

"Do not turn your back on me, Evelyn. I am still the King." He warned, his chair scraping harshly against the marble floor as he stood. Anyone else may have ran or cowered in the face of my father's wrath. Me? No. I rolled my eyes.

"You never struck me as the kind of king that uses his title to turn things in his favour," I snipped, hoping my attitude would infuriate him enough to divert his thoughts from my mate dilemma.

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