Chapter Thirteen

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Black. It was the dark pitch black of nothingness. It's not the hell I've imagined nor was it like anything close to heaven. I was there, in between life and death, stuck in a limbo of oblivion, by myself — again.

It didn't exactly feel painful but there was no peace in there. Just silence; eerie, following — a cloak that covered my entire travelling soul to wherever place it would rest. I walked, or at least I thought I did, as I glided forward and again and again and again; nothing changed.

A pity, really, for me to be stuck here rather than having to experience the anguish in hell or the joy of heaven, but at the same time it was poetically fitting. The lone crown princess who lived alone was still alone in the afterlife. Or was I still the crown princess? What was I before death? I couldn't recall. In fact, I was starting to forget many of my memories the longer I stayed here. Who was I? What was I? Was I loved? How did I die? Is this death? Am I dead? I couldn't feel a thing, good or bad; I felt empty. A phantom, a lost soul — a spirit stuck in another realm.

That was until the faintest voice came from somewhere; soft, beckoning me to come back. I turned my head, left and right, trying my best to locate it. Finally, amidst all the darkness, there was that gentle light. I walked, every step now feeling a lot heavier. Everything felt a lot heavier. I could feel the warmth; in my hand, in my body, in my heart.

"Evelyn," It called out, subtle warm light caressing my body as I got nearer.


Yes, I remembered now — my name is Evelyn Saurore. I am the firstborn, next in line to the throne, betrayed and poisoned by my own sister; I am the crown princess.

"Evelyn." Again, like a whispering ghost, it called out to me. It knew my name like it had known me all my life; familiar yet so vague to recall. I reached towards it, surprised to feel a jolt of emotions surging from it like waves of blazed fire. But I didn't burn, it did not burn me, not when I walked towards it and let it engulf me — hug me as my heart felt full. It was not one I had ever felt and if I were to describe something I hadn't felt before;

I suppose this burning light felt like love welcoming me home.

My eyes fluttered open, my head pounding whilst I scanned the blurry room. Once my vision cleared, I noticed how I was in my makeshift bed in the Den, Conan slumped in a chair right next to me. I observed how his breathing was paced, sleeping peacefully until my eyes caught how his hand was grasping mine; all at once recalling the recognizable emotion. Before I could even do anything more, he stirred awake, blinking up at me with bleary eyes before they grew wide — utter relief flooding through them.

"You're awake... How-when-what-"

"Water," I hoarsely replied.

He stiffened, looking lost and mumbling to himself — his eyes were dazed as if he was wondering if he was having a vivid dream or not. And so I squeezed his hand, finally snapping him to reality.

"Water. Yes, you need water. I'll go get you some." He immediately let go of my hand, standing up in a rush to stumble out of the room. By the open door, I could hear a ruckus happening; shouts of 'she finally woke up' and 'since when' and 'calm down you idiots' echoing through it.

He came back in a matter of minutes, carrying a glass filled with crystal-clear water and three more curious people. I gratefully took the glass from him as he sat next to me — assisting me to sit up — while the others hovered behind him to watch me gulp down the water with eager vigour.

"How are you feeling?" Conan asked, still somewhat looking on edge.

"Disoriented, but very much alive," I replied nonchalantly, hoping it would dispel the heavy air in the room. "How long was I asleep?"

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