Chapter Nine

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The first mission was relatively simple. Gather intel from the Alpha's quarters — one that used to be the King's — and look for a particular book that contains forbidden werewolf techniques. I only realized that I saw it once before when I accidentally glimpsed it on my trip to the late King's quarters when Dahlia had described the exterior of the book. It seemed that she had read about it at the oldest public library many years ago. Her descriptions matched both Conan's and my recollection; though not one of us remembered the name of the book rather knew it was a leather-bound tomb written in gold ink which we all presumed to be the founding Alpha's blood.

Though, before we were sent out, I was tasked to change my clothing since they implied that Cienna would easily recognize my scent. They, quite literally, shoved some clothing on me before asking me to go back to my makeshift quarters, returning with a displeased look as I could smell the nauseating mixture of all their scents lingering over my whole body. Conan said it was for distraction. In case things get a little troublesome, they'll find it hard to track down an Alpha who smelled like four Omegas at the same time. I was wearing Christina's white trousers, Conan's black long-sleeve shirt which was tucked — above it was a maroon suspender with silver buckles from Brye and an additional beige satin ribbon tie on my collar from Dahlia. The smell was... inhumane. Like lemon grass soaked in the salty ocean and then half-dipped in honey before being sprinkled with ground peppermint leaves. They seemed to all be pleased though, giving each other a look before they told me and Christina to stay safe. She scoffed at them, saying that she knew how to stay safe unlike me. I didn't bother to deny it. After all, even I knew I'd been a little reckless the past two days.

She walked in front of me, oozing with an aura I couldn't quite pinpoint. It was unfeminine, improper, and a whole lot rebellious. I wasn't too thrilled to be sent on this task with her. Though we'd agreed to remain civil and away from each other's throats, I just found it hard to like something about her. And it wasn't just with the way she handled herself, but her unfiltered tongue as well, Growing up, I'd always been taught to have proper etiquette and to speak like a royal; to always look respectable no matter the circumstances. Whatever I was, she contrasted. Whereas I was prim and proper, she was wild and free. A part of me must've disliked her because of it. I wanted to be like her in some ways but my title vehemently forbade me to. With eyes always trained on me, I never had a shot at finding who I was besides being the crown princess.

"Walking with your mind up in the clouds will get you in trouble, don't you know that?" I snapped back from my reverie, seeing her staring at me with a raised eyebrow as she held one of the quarters' golden doorknobs. I gave her a grumble before silently pushing the other doorknob open. Gulping, I composed myself. No use crying here now. We need to find that book immediately.

We divided our territory — she searched the west end of the room whilst I searched the east. One by one, we went through the pillars of books, but to no avail. Just then, the sound of people talking increasingly grew louder outside the closed doors.

"Quick! Hide!" she hissed at me as she scurried away. Never used to hiding, I nearly stumbled my way into the desk; hurriedly hiding beneath it with my hands clamped over my lips. I tried to control my breathing, but with my heart pounding in my ears I couldn't hear much of my breath anyway. The sound of the double door opening perked my ears, the beating of my heart growing faster at the thought of being caught as I struggled to keep my scent down. We'd failed to put into consideration how my instincts would badly react to being with another Alpha in a single room — most especially not putting into the equation how her androsterone was intimidating even when remaining dormant.

"I told you to search for her. She must still be somewhere in this palace. That prideful sister of mine would never dare leave the comfort of this cobbled-wall prison," I heard Cienna snap, presumably at whoever was in the room inside with her. My eyes widened, certain that she was looking for me.

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