[Harbingers] Unexpected Employment

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3rd POV
"Everyone! Meet our newest Personal Assistant!" Childe says, barging into the meeting room with a big grin on his face.

"You never mentioned ANYTHING about this, Childe." Y/n growls out. "You only said YOU needed help, NOT the Fatui Harbingers."

"Did I forget to mention that? Whoops." Childe chuckles out. "Hm? Where's Dottore?"

"Where else? He's been in his Laboratory for the past hour." Scaramouche huffs out.

"Pardon me, but I'd like to know the young lady better. Would you care to tell us who you are and where you came from?" Pantalone says to Y/n. His signature smile ever present on his lips.

"Y/n, Catalyst User and Storyteller from a far away land." Y/n introduce herself to the Harbingers. Her eyes wonders around the room before landing on a few familiar faces.

"A far away land? Isn't it too much to ask your homeland's name?" Arlecchino huffs out.

"That detail is unimportant for you to know." Y/n says to Alrecchino.

"It is a VERY important detail." Alrecchino slowly approaches Y/n. "How can we trust you with valuable information if you can't even say where you came from?" Alrecchino says to Y/n.

"And what am I going to do about that information? Leak it to every edge, every corner of Teyvat? HA! Even if I did, those would only bore the audience." Y/n says with a smirk.

"Hey now, this is no place to fight." Childe says, going in-between the two.

"Ironic coming from someone who practically jumps at the chance of spearing with someone who's stronger than them." Y/n says to Childe.

"You wound me, Comrade. I thought we were pretty close after all those spearing matches." Childe whimpers out.

"... Very well then. If she really is going to be our Personal Assistant, let's put her to the test. Do as you please with her." Pierro says before getting up from his seat.

"And where are you going to this time, Pierro?" Columbina asks.

"... Somewhere to think." Pierro says before disappearing into a hallway.

"That's unusual. Even for him." Signora mumbles out.

"... Pierro..." Y/n mutters softly.

"What was that? I didn't catch what you said." Childe says, turning to Y/n.

"It's nothing." Y/n shakes her head lightly.

"Well then, if that's what Pierro says... Let's at least have some fun with our tests." Scaramouche chuckles out.

"I'm starting to regret befriended Childe..." Y/n mumbles out. With that, each of the Fatui Harbingers put Y/n to the test.

With each test Y/n receives from each Harbinger, the more difficult and gruesome it became. They did not show any mercy towards the young lady. Well, most of them didn't. Columbina, Sandrone, and Pulcinella's are the most tame ones. Listening to their talks, getting Y/n comfortable with their presence. They got to the point where Y/n got suspicious of their actions and why they're being more tame than the other Harbingers.

After one of the longest days of her life, Y/n finally get to catch her breath and ease up a little. Well that is until Columbina shows up.

"Ah, Y/n. I wasn't expecting to see you here in the hallway." Columbina says to Y/n. "Getting a breather before the final results?" Y/n responds with a nod. "Get as much rest as you need for the time being. Maybe grab some coffee in the meantime."

"There's coffee here??" Y/n mumbles out.

"Mhm. Just go through those doors over there. That's where us Harbingers take our breaks." Columbina says, pointing towards the direction of the break room.

"Oh no, I couldn't." Y/n shakes her head lightly.

"But you must! There's no use for you standing around here. You might as well sit down and rest." Columbina says to Y/n with a gentle smile.

"Hmmm...." Y/n's still not sure.

"Tell you what, I'm on my way to the break room as well. You should come with me if you're afraid of getting punished for entering a room that you shouldn't be entering." Columbina says. Y/n sighs in defeat. She knows Columbina's not gonna stop insisting on her going to the break room. With a small nod, Columbina takes Y/n's hand and walks - more like drag - her over to the break room.

"You do know the only reason why I'm even trying to be the Harbingers' Personal Assistant is because I don't want to die this early." Y/n says to Columbina.

"I know. We do have a reputation to uphold." Gently pushing the doors open, Y/n spots Signora, Pulcinella, Sandrone, Childe, and Pantalone in the room.

"Ah, Columbina. I see you've taken Y/n along with you as well." Pulcinella says as everyone's attention looks over to the doorway.

"She was just standing in the hallway after the last test Scaramouche gave her. I couldn't help but lead her here for her to get some proper rest." Columbina says, taking a seat next to Sandrone.

"Oh? Is that so? Well I don't mind her company. She's already got my seal of approval. The same can be said to the rest of us, correct?" Pantalone says as he takes a sip of his tea. The others in the room nods in response. Y/n couldn't help but sigh in relief hearing Pantalone's words and everyone else's response.

"Ease up a bit will you, Y/n? You've been tense ever since you got here." Childe chuckles out.

"Sure. It's not like one day I'm witnessing a Bard on a rooftop and the next day being dragged to Snezhnaya like it's a regular day." Y/n huffs out.

"Considering that you are a wondering Storyteller, should this be a normal thing for you by now?" Alrecchino asks as she and Capitano enters the room.

"I've never been to Snezhnaya before." Y/n mumbles out. "It's not a place for a Storyteller like me to be in. I'd be killed by frostbite alone. By the way, this Dottore... Will I ever get tested by him?"

"More like experimented on." Capitano mutters out.

"Dottore's in a bit of a mood right now." Childe says.

"In a mood? More like pissed. I think I've heard a few explosions when I walked pass his laboratory just a while ago." Pantalone says.

"I guess I'll die then..." Y/n mutters, grabbing a freshly brewed coffee from the counter. "Why do I hear angry muttering...?"

"WHERE THE HELL IS MY COFFEE!?" Dottore suddenly burst through the doors, making everyone jump in surprise.

"Ay coffee!" Y/n yelps out.

"??" Dottore turns to Y/n who's holding a freshly brewed cup. "Who are you?"

"Um, Y/n, sir. Applying for the Fatui Harbingers' Personal Assistant." Y/n stutters out.

"..." Dottore takes the cup of coffee out of Y/n's hands and takes a sip from it. "... You're hired." Dottore says before exiting the room, taking the cup with him.

"Haa..." Y/n let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding.

"Ain't that a twist of fate." Childe mutters out. "Welcome to the Fatui then, Y/n. Best of luck to you."

".... Thank you."

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