Part 10

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HIIII!!! Thank you guys so much for the votes! The few people who voted, I really appreciate it!! I promise the action will come soon! This part will be interesting, with some romance, maybe... -M

P.S. I used a different font so you can see the i better. Do you like it better?


The past four days have been uneventful. We haven’t talked about the Alians, or anything like that. We’ve all just been doing what we have to. Getting up, eating, ‘exercising’, eating, studying, eating, sleeping and again.

Slavica told me I did a very good job telling everyone, but I should still wait four days before showing the rest of them everything. I’m excited that at last I get to show them it, but I’m actually very excited to show Dermont especially. I’ll just push that away. I definitely do not want him to know about that. I don’t even want to think about how much he would tease me, and how much his already too big ego would grow.

“Ilinka, you said there were spaceships, correct?” Gerlinde asks, which surprises me because we haven’t talked about things in the last four days. I lace up my left shoe before answering.

“Yes, there are. I was thinking that I might show them to you guys. They’re actually called space roamers too. The ones we’ll be using,” I say starting to lace up my right boot.

The bed creaks in it’s obnoxious way. She doesn’t say anything, but nods her head, making her black ponytail swoosh to the side. She stands up heading out the door to the first meal, with her grey jacket already on, and fully buttoned even though the temperature is never cold here.

I give her a tight smile and continue to lace up my right boot as she walks down the hall. What was that supposed to have meant? The nod, was she mad? Her face was slightly red. I shake off the odd feeling, and finish up the lacing of my right boot. I grab my blue jacket, my only colored clothing item, and put it on without buttoning it. I turn the lights off, and walk out the door towards the elevator.

In the elevator is a boy I have sometimes seen around the ship. I haven’t ever talked to him, and I don’t plan on starting now. I’m guessing he’s my age with curly blond hair, with brown eyes. He smiles quickly before turning away, I do the same. The elevator ride then turns very awkward with an uncomfortable haze of silent. The ride is over and we exit both going to eat. Great, the awkward continues. We walk at the same pace, which makes us both a bit uncomfortable.

“Hey Ilinka,” Venla says from behind trying to catch up to me. I stop, letting her catch up, and the other guy pass me. “Hi. Have you seen Gerlinde anywhere this morning?” I ask, it’s only been about ten minutes but I’m starting to worry that something is wrong. “No, I haven’t seen her. Did you, I mean you’re her roommate...” Venla says look quizzically at me, with raised eye brows.

“Yeah I know. She seemed annoyed about something. It just... something doesn't seem right about things. Everyone's been changing so suddenly. She's smiling so much and Dermont's nice, and no offense but, you're much more friendly and you talk much more," I say looking at her.

She smiles slightly. "It's weird, I agree, everyone has changed. Even you. You used to be much darker and secretive. You sure don't seem that way anymore!"She says laughing awkwardly.

I give her a confused look. But it's true, even I have changed. But, why? "Ilinka? Hello? Anyone in there?" Venla jokes. I smile, still thinking about the different possibilities of our sudden change in personality.

"Hello Girls," Dermont says. I can't help but notice his nice hair. It looks silky and I want to touch it... What am I thinking?! Have I gone crazy? Maybe I have. It's Dermont. The cocky and very annoying guy that can tell what I'm thinking... Uh oh. Crap. I look up to a smirking Dermont. He's totally knows what I'm thinking.

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