Part 6

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HI!!! Thank you soo much to everyone for reading!! I wrote this in class which takes way longer than typing so I'm really sorry it took so long!! Hope you like it!!


I walked back to my room empty. I felt bad, guilty, regretful on the inside, but I didn't feel I could really do anything. I hope things will go back to normal soon, I know I have responsibilities that no matter how long I put them off, they'll still be there. It's the end of the day, and I haven't seen the warships or done any more talking with Duilio. I bet he understands, but I just wish that he would leave me alone and realize that I'm not the right girl for the job. 

I just can't see myself as in a war, and definitely not leading one. From everything I've read while studying I just know I'm not the right person. Seeing someone suffer almost kills me inside when I know them so much like Gar, I don't know how I could ever injure someone or something. I know it would be the Alians who we would be fighting, and they have only made our lives terrible. But what if they hurt humans? I mean if we hurt them they're sure to want to hurt or kill us. Another problem is no one has actually ever seen the Alians. They only send out their robots, of which there are tens of thousands on each ship. 

I walk into the room deep in thought which makes me startled when Gerlinde talks to me. "Hi Ilinka. What happened? How long have you stayed in the hospital with Gar? You look really tired." She says, with the look of sympathy I hate so much. That's one thing I cannot stand, the look of sympathy. "I'm not sure. I went there last night and slept but w ' ent in and out today," I say laying down on my bed. 

I close my eyes and go under my blanket still wearing my day clothes. I can feel the room go dark as Gerlinde turns off our light. I then hear Gerlinde's bed creak as she settles down into a comfortable possition for sleep. I hear her breaths even out as she goes to sleep, and I do the same.

"Hello," I hear a whisper from behind me. I turn around quick to see the same girl that saved me from the log cutter a few nights ago. "Hi," I say looking at her. 

She has a slight smile on her face as she looks me over. “I can already tell you’ll be a great leader. I’m very proud to have you as a cousin,” She says a huge grin growing all over her face. “I’m you’re cousin?” I ask slightly confused, but with everything going on lately I don’t get as surprised with things.

“Yes, I’m part of the Nolan and Kenderli family, too. I have been told about you’re friend, Gar. I’m so sorry to hear about that,” She says looking sad.

“How did you know about him?” I demand politely (if that’s possible).

“Well, I guess there’s kind of a web of information. Normally Dermont or Duilio, sometimes you, tell Slavica what is going on, normally while dreaming. Then when Slavica wakes up she tells everyone on,” She pauses looking like she’s debating on telling me something, “ Around here who needs to know.”

I nod my head with understanding. We stand in silence for a few minutes, while I get my first chance to look around and see where I am. It’s a dark concrete I guess I would say out door hallway, with tall buildings all around. There are many cracks with small plants filling the gaps. I can feel my cousins eyes are trained on me.

“Excuse me, but I just realized I don’t know you’re name. What is it?” I ask her.

“It’s Ori, Ori Kenderli,” She says looking at me with her identical green eyes. “Nice to meet you,” I say pulling her into a hug. She doesn’t hug back or respond for a moment then she puts her arms around me. We stand there for a minute or two, being happy to be family like how it would be before we were taken up.

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