Part 7

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HI! I appreciate the reads but I must admit I'm a little sad almost no one has voted or commented... Have you read it but just not liked it? Please feel free to give advice so reading is more enjoyable! 


Gar was in the hospital another month. His leg was healed since it turned out to actually be pretty minor. His brain was back to normal, most of his bruises were gone, but his fractured arm was still not healed and it would take about two more months since it was so bad.

The days were pretty normal, I was very happy he was getting better and was awake. Everyday I would visit him during all the free times and I would normally skip the mid-day meal to see him too. I hadn't talked to Duilio or planned anything, and I hadn't talked to Ori or Slavica through dreaming. Dermont talked to me, but whenever I brought up something about Gar, he would change the subject or say he had to be somewhere else. 

The six of us walk down the hall; Pierre, Venla, Gerlinde, Enzi, Gar and I. We were all walking to        mid-day meal. I was anxious, after I'm going to see the ships and do some planning. It's been almost a month since I was supposed to have done those things with Duilio. I had told Gar what I was going to do, and he asked if he could come too. I said yes, secretly I wanted to keep an eye on him and make sure he didn't get injured again.

The lunch is a slimy brown "soup", but we all eat it anyways. The announcements come on, saying we have an extra free period after lunch. We all finish and put our dishes and trays away then go our separate ways. I hold Gar's hand knowing that Duilio normally quickly grabs my arm and I never know where he comes from. As normal I feel the tug at my arm and follow it. I pull Gar along. We dodge people through the crowd, I then find who's pulling me. It's not Duilio. 

I look and see a older boy who must be about eighteen. Has brown hair that covers his brown eyes. He's very tall. "Wh-who are you?" I ask a little scared. Gar squeezes my hand reminding me he's here with me. The boy, um man? I'm not sure what to call him... Anyways, HE pulls us into a classroom. "Hi, my name is Lenx. I'm Duilio's friend, and we're going to see the ships altogether. I know you're Ilinka, and you are...." He asks looking at Gar. 

"My name is Gar. I'm supposed to see them too," Gar says looking straight at him.

"Alrighty, let's go see Duilio, he said to meet him where you saw him in that room last time. Do you know where that is?" He asks, probably having no idea what Duilio was talking about.

"Yeah, I think so. Follow me," I say before turning on my heels, walking out the door and down the hallway. I barely even notice I'm still holding Gar's hand. We quickly walk down the hallways until we come to the wall. I walk through it like it's no big deal.

I pull Gar's arm and he comes tumbling after it. Lenx comes within seconds. I let go of Gar's hand and start to walk to the stairs. I hear them grunt as they realize that they have to walk down the stairs too. "Don't be wimps," I say smirking at them. They grunt again.

After about ten minutes we finally reach the bottom of the stairs. I see Duilio sitting at a table. "Oh um hey guys. So you've met Lenx. He's my friend and um yeah," he awkwardly trails off. "Can we see the ships..?" I ask trying to break the silence that lasted a few minutes. "Yes, yes of course! Over here," Duilio says walking to a grey door.

We all walk into the hallway, then follow him through another door, which is another hallway with a fork, we follow him through another hallway to another door, to another hallway, we go through many hallways in the next twenty minutes, since Duilio walks so fast. At last we go into one last room, with the air ships.

"So there's a hundred right air ships, right?" I ask looking at each ship. They're long and silver and must fit about ten kids in each one. There's a long window in front and a small round window in the back as well as a door. "There's a hundred ships, and each fits up to ten kids," Duilio explains shortly.

"Let's go in one," Gar whispers in my ear. I nod and we walk up to the closest one with Gar right behind me. 

We stand trying to find how to get in for about ten minutes until  Lenx comes over chuckling and pushes a red button I didn't see before. The door instantly lifts up. "You guys are so stupid," Lenx mutters. Duilio starts laughing but Gar and I just ignore them and climb up the small silver ladder into the 

On the left there is an isle and on the right there are about five seats that could fit up to two people. I walk up to the front and see there is some kind of touch screen computer navigation machine. I sit down in a chair to find it very comfortable. Gar is looking intently at the navigation system. He just looks at it without turning on. We must have been here for almost an hour which means we only have about an hour left. As if on queue, " Hey Ilinka, we only have about an hour left and we're supposed to do some planning. So is it okay to do that now?" Duilio asks. 

Gar and I jump out of the space ship and onto the ground, well spaceship floor, and walk to the table Duilio is at while Lenx closes up the spaceship. Then we all sat around the table and talked for about a half an hour. 

We talked about how many kids there are on this ship, and how many, what I learned were called space roamers not just small spaceships, we would need. The half an hour was quickly up, and we walked back through the maze of doors and hallways until we came to the stairs.

"Well the planning was good for half an hour! Can us four meet in two days?" Duilio asked. Lenx, Gar, and I nodded. "Great see you guys then!" He said before turning around going off someplace. "Bye," I said. 

We went up the stairs silently, all thinking about the space roamers and the events to come. I didn't totally know what I was supposed to do but still part of me was excited. I was tired of the terrible food, no fresh air, and no plants.

I walked into the room, expecting Gerlinde to be there. She was not anywhere in the room though, probably with Enzi or Venla.

Gerlinde had become nicer and less grouchy. More than half the time I found her with a smile on her face. I guess people change. And Venla has gone from a shy almost always quiet girl, to more outgoing and talkative. Dermont, he's not rude and doesn't push me to do anything and is often very kind to me. I wonder what he's planning...

I felt a yawn escape my mouth. Maybe it would be a good idea to take a nap. Talking to Slavica wouldn't be a bad thing at all. I walk over to my bed just laying down on top of the covers. I feel my mind being transported my eyes close.

"Hello, Ilinka," Slavica says smiling.

"I kinda have a problem..." I tell her looking at the green plant covered ground. I look around finding us in a forest. How beautiful! I wish I could live here...

"What's the problem?"

"I don't want to lead the humans.... I don't even know what I want. Well I do..."

"What do you want?"

"I want family. I just want it like how I read about it."

"Do you know how you can get that?" She asks looking at me with compassion for my feeling of not having what I feel like I need. 

"How?" I ask looking up at her identical green eyes. 

"If we leave the Alians, we can live together. Families will unite. Love will bring people together, remember that, it will come back and you will need to know that," She says smiling. I smile back feeling myself being pulled away from the dream. "Bye," I whisper before waking up.

I awake in  a dark room and here Gerlinde's steady deep breathing. Wow I must have slept a while. I fall back into the pillow, thinking about how short the dream was, but how much that meant. Love and family. That's what I'm going to fight for. 


HI!!! I know it's short even though it took so long sorry!!! It's just been a long week. Do you guys have any great love songs.... I'm going to need one a little later, if you would be so kind and leave a nice comment it would make me sooo happy!!! Once I get 8 votes I promise to upload!!! Thank you all, wonderful readers and people!!!

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