Part 2

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Chapter 8

I walk into my room and see Gerlinde staring into space. She’s muttering something.  “What are you thinking about?” I ask. “My dad,” She says. “How did you even see him?!?” All of the sudden I’m angry. “He sent me a letter then I saw him for a few seconds.” She says her voice is calm which makes me even more mad. “ OK, but for your information I don’t believe you! And who was that guy you were talking to earlier? I know he wasn’t born early! You were just lying like everyone else!” I say still screaming. “Why do you want to know everything about me all the sudden?” She asks. She looks pretty upset. It’s seems talking about that boy was a touchy subject. “I’m sorry,” I say finally getting a hold of my temper. “It’s been kinda a long day.” I continue. “It’s fine. I understand. Just don’t talk about Enzi like that. Ever.” She says coldly. So much for making a good start with my room mate.

I sit on my bed trying to do some of the reading.I look up at her, shes sitting on her bed with crossed legs, her dark eyes are squinting and staring at me. I look away quickly. I look back at what I’m supposed to be reading. I look it says something about log cutters. I look at it closer and start to read about it. My dream from the night before flashes back to me. I remember the log cutter, cutting down the beautiful trees that are needed. I look back at Gerlinde. I see hate in her eyes. What did I say that was so bad? I called her a liar but that’s not too bad, is it?

At last it’s time for the last meal. I’m not hungry but I really want to get out of the room. I also want to get away from Gerlinde. I enter the cafeteria. Like always I look for Gar. Unfortunately it looks like he’s not here and skipped tonight’s meal, like I normally do. So instead I look for Pierre and Venla. Once I see Pierre, I of course see Venla. I walk over. “Oh, hey Ilinka!” Pierre greets me. “Hi,” Venla says a little shyly. “So, whats up?” I ask. “Um, nothing much.” They most say almost at the same time. I look down at the green glop. “Yuck this is disgusting.” I say with distaste. Pierre and Venla look over my shoulder. Urgh. Dermot is right behind me.

Dermont is really annoying. He has a huge crush on me, but I personally don’t like him at all. “Hey Ilinka, come on over and sit with me.” He says with his huge ego and confidence in himself. I don’t think so. “Sorry. I’m sitting with Pierre and Venla.” I say. I smile to myself. “Alright I’ll sit with you guys then.” He says and smirks at me. I roll my eyes.

We sit down at one of the large tables. Pierre and Venla sit next to  each other on one side. I sit down opposite from them. Much to my dislike, Dermont sits next to me. Nobody is talking so there is a really awkward silence.

Then something surprising happens. Gerlinde and Enzi walk over to us and sit on my other side. Great. This will be even more awkward. “Hi I’m Enzi!” He says with of course, a huge smile that annoys me. “Hi Enzi” Says Pierre. “I’m Pierrick. But everyone calls me Pierre. This is my girlfriend Venla.” She blushes and waves. “I’m Dermont and this is my girlfriend Ilinka.” Sneers Dermont. “You idiot. I’m not your girlfriend. Plus, I already know Enzi. No need to introduce me.” I sneer back at him. I give him the dirtiest look I can. He really vexed me this time. Dermont laughs. Urgh. “You know you want me.” He looks at me with his brown eyes. Many girls are crazy about him. But not me. “You know I don’t.” I look at him with squinted eyes. Just then Gar walks in.

“What’d I miss?” Asks Gar innocently. “This idiot is flirting with me, like always.” I mutter. “Oh wow.” He says plainly. Dermont just smiles. Everyone else stares at us.

We all listen to the nightly announcements. I realize I know something everyone else doesn’t know. I smile to myself, then I remember what I know and my smile disappears and turns into a depressing frown. “Let me walk you back to your room,” says Dermont. “Ha. I think I’m going to have to pass.” I smirk at him. I look at Gar. “I’ll walk you back. Gerlinde too if she wants.” Gar says knowingly. I shoot him a look of thanks. “I think I’ll walk back alone. Thanks anyway Gar.” Gerlinde mutters. She walks off with Enzi.  Pierre walks Venla back to her room. She has a room mate named Rei. Her roommate seems like the person who’s just...there. The kinda person with no life. No hurt feelings meant.

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