Chapter twenty-eight

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A day had passed and the blonde had not woken from his sleep, Schlatt and Quackity had gone back to their base to continue with their work, George had not left his side and he hadn't had a bite to eat despite Sapnap pleading with him to eat or get rest.

After a long argument with the raven-head George stepped out and had some coffee with him and Karl, and for a strange reason Karl stayed back. The brunette couldn't help but notice a weird attraction between the light-brown haired man and Sapnap, who were currently talking to each other while being completely indulged in each other's presence and stared into each other's eyes. He smiled at them, it reminded George of him and Dream.

He walked along the whole perimeter of the headquarters, reminiscing the memories he shared with Dream, all of them extreme. He learnt the real meaning of adventure after meeting the blonde, up until then his life was boring and repetitive, he was growing tired of himself in a way. But after meeting him there's only been chaos and he believes that he can live with it, he can live with Dream in his messed up life with the other's messed up job, perfect for each other.

It was already getting late, and George walked inside and made a straight beeline to Dream's room, he was too tired to make out anything in the room, he didn't see the monitors as it scared him in a way, he avoided the IV tube that went to Dream's arm and didn't look at his face, as he knew he would only be faced with the reality and his lover's closed eyes.

He sat down in his regular spot, a chair next to the blonde's bed, and did his usual of holding Dream's hand, the one that did not have the tube and the needle in his arm. It calmed him, when he would feel a heartbeat, at least he knew that the person next to him was alive and his hand was warm.

He expected all that, the feeling of the others calloused hand, what he didn't expect was when he clutched the other's hands, the blonde's hand gripped tighter. George's head raised quickly to see Dream's slightly open eyes, down to his lips that dipped to form a small smile that made his usual dimples on his cheek. The other had tears in his eyes as he gasped. "You! You're here, you're okay!" He said through his shaky breathing.

"A mere bullet ain't gonna take me out" the taller whispered in a raspy voice as he raised the hand that he gripped the other's with, to kiss it gently.

"You had me scared for my life! Geez!" Tears rolled down George's eyes as a blush formed across his face.

"Aren't you gonna give me a 'welcome back' kiss?" The blonde said with a smirk as George giggled "you dumbass" the brunette said as he leaned in and joined both their lips.

George could feel Dream's movements, he was alive. He could feel his eyelashes as they deepened the kiss further. The younger lifted himself up to hover over Dream, as he parted, the blonde had to hold himself back from complaining about the lack of touch. "I love you, Dream" he whispered, his breath with each syllable could be felt on the blonde's lip.

"I love you too, George" their lips touched again in a passionate kiss as the brunette cupped the other's cheeks with both his hands, and Dream tried to raise his left hand to brush George's hair.

"Ouch" the brunette stopped at the sound and looked at him concerned. Dream had tried to use his arm that was connected to the IV and was stopped by the needle that was halfway inside his skin, he smiled foolishly at George who gave him a deadly look, annoyed of his silly mistake.

"I'm calling the doctor" he said as he runs out of the room leaving Dream behind frantically.

"At least finish the kiss!" Dream called out to George midway but was reciprocated with laughter as he continued on his way, ignoring the blonde's whining.

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