Chapter eleven

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George had been to the restroom of the gas station and back to the car safely, still Dream hadn't been back, being extremely bored and without his phone he couldn't actually entertain himself, he let his eyes rest, and due to the exertion caused by the activities of that day and how stressful it was for the young man, he fell asleep quite quickly.

Not soon after Dream had retuned with multiple shopping bags, he opened the luggage compartment and threw all of them in. He stood there in contemplation, and finally decided on some of the little bags of snacks and dropped them onto the backseats including some bottles of coke and beer, which he assumed George would like to have, because when he was eighteen he would go out and get drunk with his friends all the time.

Unlike George, Dream had been on multiple road trips, mainly with Sapnap, he knew what to do, what kind of food to get and where to rest, he truly had the time of his life during his high school years. But now most of the road trips he would generally have to take would be work related or business meetings with other influential businessmen or other mafia leaders of neighbouring cities. So this time Dream felt a bit nostalgic, taking a similar informal trip feeling a bit cheerful and happy.

He walked to the driver's side of the car and opened the door, when he got into the vehicle he realised the younger was sound asleep, he had his hands together under head that rested on the inner walls of the car. The taller smiled at that, and raised his hand to slightly brush the younger's hair, feeling again, his soft brown hair, Dream retracted his hand immediately, started the car and drove away from the rest stop.

Why do I keep wanting to pat him, what's wrong with me? He said to himself as he concentrated on the road in front of him.

After an hour or so, the brunette was finally woken, he stretched just a little, his eyes were half open and his face was flushed, even though it was a car, this was one of the most comfortable sleeps the younger has ever had, maybe it was the fact that it wasn't his house he was sleeping in. He faced the blonde sitting next to him, he had a cheese cracker in his mouth and beside him laid an open bottle of beer, which sort of frightened George as he faced the taller now rather quickly. With his mouth hung open in disbelief for a while, he finally spoke.

"You're drinking?" He said in a shaky voice.

"What do you think?" Dream uttered sarcastically, still with the cheese cracker in his mouth.

"That's alcohol"

"Well duh" the taller smirked.

"Isn't that drinking and driving?" George said out of concern that the other would get arrested, and with no answer from the taller he continued.

"That's illegal"

"Honey you should see what I do for a living" Dream commented with a chuckle and a smile. To which George nodded his head as he recalled that the person he was talking to was a mob leader, who was he to teach him about the law.

"It's just a beer, don't worry" the taller explained.

"Just a beer" the younger unconsciously repeated his words in mockery but also to sooth himself.

"Yeah, just a beer........ or two"

The younger gave up, chuckled and smiled lightly as he tuned around towards the backseats of the car and reached into the bag of snacks, picked one out and opened it, the taller of the two grinned at the action, almost as if George was getting used to him.

"Okay whatever" George muttered quietly as he silently ate his chips. After a while he held a chip in his hand and offered it to Dream hesitantly while not meeting his gaze still smiling out of embarrassment huddled in his little corner, the taller on the other hand, instead of taking it, leaned over a bit closer with his eyes still on the road, and ate it directly from George's hand, this made the younger laugh and click his younger in annoyance jokingly.

I'm glad he's getting comfortable with me. Dream said in his mind, well he'll have to spend god know how long with me in our hideout, good luck to him for that.

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