Chapter ten

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The car was travelling smoothly, it made little to no noise as George sat there in silence with the taller beside him who had his hands on the steering wheel calmly as he looked into the distance. There were hardly any cars on the road as it got more isolated and away from the busy town, the car's lights were on dim and the only source of light that poured inside of the car were the street lights that passed them quite quickly. They passed small towns and lit up buildings that were far away and blended into the dark night, as they passed many fields and forests.

The taller had removed his white porcelain mask after getting into the vehicle previously, and now George could catch a glimpse of his features and how he had a slight tan and a sharp jawline, and how his emerald green eyes shined due to the street lights that constantly passed them on the road, the dirty blonde hair that were slightly curly, and how he had light freckles littered across his face, what he failed to notice was Dream's growing smile that had apparently caught onto the little one's staring, through his peripheral vision.

"Oh come on now, I'm not that handsome" he said cheekily while he grinned.

The younger didn't say a word but turned bright tomato red out of pure embarrassment, he did not mean to stare, but it was his first time seeing the man for god sake. He was trying to remember seeing him at school, he remembered that the person sitting beside him was a totally famous high school football jock that almost every girl had a crush on, he wouldn't admit that he too in the ninth grade thought he was kinda cool. He looked so young still, realising he's the same age as Sapnap which was twenty, how is he a mafia boss? George thought as he kept his eyes on the window beside him.

The younger felt the car slow down, and in the pitch darkness outside of his window, he could see just a couple of lights, it was a rest area on the side of the highway they were on, which was also a fuelling stop. The brunette looked hesitantly at the taller.

"Want to use the restroom?" Dream asked in a monotone voice.

"No" George replied with a short answer.

"What do you want to eat?"


"Any snacks, it's a long way there" Dream said with a slight smirk on his face.

"Okay, but where are we going" George asked innocently.


"What?!" George exclaimed, almost shouting at the man.

"I'm kidding" Dream broke out in laughs and wheezes before continuing "it's my isolated farmhouse, our hideout, it's a bit far from here, probably a few hours".

"You're not resting for the night?"

"Nope, we're driving all the way baby" the taller said with utmost confidence, and was incapable of seeing George's slight flinch reaction to the use of the word 'baby' clearly directed towards him making him flush in red even more. "I'm getting snacks, I'll be right back" he said as he opened his car door.

"I'll come with you" George pretended to say but came out as more of a question.

"Nope you can't, cameras in the convenience store" he said and quickly the brunette understood, nodding his head. He heard the taller walk all the way over and around the car to his window, which was now open as he leaned into it, rested his forearms on the window's ledge, coming close to George and asked "so snacks, what do you want?" to which the younger shrugged. "Anything you wanna drink?" The brunette again shrugged saying something along the lines of 'anything' and 'anything is fine, thank you' upon which Dream got a bit frustrated. "You've never been spoilt, have you?" The taller said jokingly, and finally George smiled and put his head a little down in embarrassment, "okay you eat what I get for you then, you brat" the taller said softly with a small chuckle as he left the car and walked towards the gas station shop.

This is kinda fun to be honest. George thought to himself as he was left alone in the car, it's like a road trip, he thought. The brunette had never been on an actual road trip before, not with his family, and not with his friends which almost only included Sapnap, because he wasn't allowed to, his parents were adamant that George was going to run away. This was truly a new experience for him, and on the first day of getting away, surprisingly, he smiled genuinely to himself

"I kinda have a good feeling about this new life" he said as he waited for the taller to return.

[road trip with a stranger] ~

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