"Well, Alexius?" Teyuis asked, looking at Alexius flirtatiously. Alexius wasn't even paying attention to her now. His entire focus was on Nico, who glared back at him hatefully. Alexius finally spoke.

"His name is Nico. He's from a northern village in my realm. He lived with his mother and father and three older brothers, who live outside of our valley. I'm not quite sure how he got tangled in this war, but I'd be willing to make him talk." He explained as calmly as he could. Marikas seemed to consider that as he shared looks with Teyuis, who grinned. Nico pressed himself up against the bars, sneering at Alexius.

"Fuck you, you arrogant prick. I'll bite my own tongue off before I ever talk to you." He snarled. Alexius didn't seem offended as he cocked his head before looking at Marikas.

"I would need some tools, of course, to work with." He added. Marikas studied Alexius for a moment, then smirked as he looked at Teyuis, who smiled in delight.

"We may have some left overs from our last little play thing." Teyuis suggested. Marikas nodded, then looked at Alexius, who was still watching Nico with dark, unrelenting eyes. I'd only seen so much hate in Alexius' eyes once. To see it again was spine-chilling. To think that this was the man I'd made love to last night. Though he moved like a seductive panther last night, he was much sweeter and gentler. Now, he had the face of an unforgiving force ready to take revenge. A bad feeling churned in my gut as Marikas went on to explain that Nico would spend the night in the cage and Alexius would be left to talk to him for a while as they fetched the tools Alexius would need.

It was just an easier way of saying they were preparing to torture the incubus.

And Alexius would be at the head of it.

I could feel the anticipation rolling off him in hot waves, searing through the air, sharper than the sunlight that poured through the holes in the roof of the warehouse. Marikas talked for a little more, but I couldn't concentrate on what he was saying. I kept watching Alexius, who didn't say a word, even when he was spoken to. He only replied with nods, all the way watching Nico, who watched him in return. It was like watching a couple of cats size each other up, but Nico was the one in the cage with his hands tied behind his back and Alexius was the one with the torture devices.

Marikas finally dismissed the meeting, ordering Arachnae and I to stay behind with Alexius and Nico to make sure Nico wasn't killed or didn't escape again. As soon as the doors to the warehouse closed, Arachnae spoke.

"You know," He began, making Alexius and I glance at him, "I don't know what you got against the kid, Alexius, but don't do anything you'll regret. He may be the enemy, but winning a battle doesn't give you the right to humiliate the loser." Alexius narrowed his eyes, but said nothing as he turned to face Nico again. Nico curled his lip in repungence, his muscles all taut and ready to spring him into action should he be attacked.

"Did you hear that," Alexius told Nico at last, making Nico glare in confusion, "He said, winning a battle doesn't give you the right to humiliate the loser. If that doesn't make you a winner, then what does it make you, Nico?" Nico bared his teeth.

"I did what I did because you're a monster! Stop fucking around and just kill me already, or I'll kill you first! And this time-- I'll finish the job!" He barked. Alexius' green eyes glinted in the sunlight that seeped into the warehouse. He lowered his arms to his sides before very roughly shoving the desks in front of him aside, breaking the circle around the cage.

"Alexius." I warned, but he completely ignored me. I grimaced and started after him, pulling up short as Alexius stood at the bars of Nico's cage. I think Nico could sense the hatred and bloodlust oozing from Alexius' pores because he backed up to the other side of the cage, glaring at Alexius wearily.

Incubus [malexmale]Where stories live. Discover now