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- 3 weeks later -

Ashtrays pretty brown eyes fluttered open, taking in the globally illuminated rays of sun bouncing around the room.

Reaching to the side of the bed he sprung up quickly, realizing that Cassie wasn't there with him.

The boy trudged out of bed with a "Hmm." He grabbed a shirt before walking out to the hallway. He glanced to the bathroom, nothing.

"Cass?" He called aloud as he approached the steps.

No response.

He huffed and walked down the stairs, rubbing his tired eyes as he turned the corner.

"Morning." Suze greeted with a milk carton in hand.

"Mornin Suze, you seen Cass?" He asked as he grabbed a box of cereal from the cabinet.

She handed the boy a bowl and the milk before taking a seat with her own bowl. "She's out running some errand before your open house." She shrugged.

Ash nodded, making his bowl happily.

"God I still can't believe you guys are all gonna be gone in a couple weeks. That place you and Cassie are looking at, where's it at?" She asked him.

He took a bite of his food and looked up at her, "Boss said I should get a place somewhere out in West Hollywood, believe it or not Cass is the one trying to budget down."

Suze chuckled and sat back, "Who knew," she snickered, "Remember, even though your first few checks from your concert are huge, doesn't mean you can go crazy." She cautioned.

Ash threw his arms in the air in defense, "I'm just doin' what they tellin me to do, don't worry about it, I been handling funds since I was 7-"

"Yeah yeah yeah, I know, my son in law is an ex-drug lord." Suze cut him off with a laugh.

Ashtrays heart jumped every time she called him that, it made him think about Cassie, and how much he loved her.

He knew he had a pretty set up career, as long as he stayed clean and out of trouble, Ash truly believed he could make a name for himself.

But he didn't desire the life that most exposed to fame would strive for. He didn't want to go out there and have a messy, exposed, tabloid-driven life, he wanted to be with Cassie, for the long haul.

Ash wondered life under a microscope would be too much on Cassie, and even debated on not taking the contract and just getting some simple job.

That's how happy he was with Cassie, he didn't want fame and attention getting in the way of that.

Cassie herself has expressed how happy and proud she is of him for getting the deal in the first place.

He just knew how things worked, and fame and a perfectly fine relationship usually do not work together.

But if she believed in him, then maybe they had a shot.

"Here she comes-" Suze said as the front door swung open.

Ash's head snapped over to the door, a small smile appearing on his face as he watched Cassie come in.

"Morning Ma." Ash greeted as he jumped out of his seat to help her with the bags, going in for a kiss.

She happily returns the kiss, but pulls the bags away from Ash's hands. "Mmm I got 'em I got I em'." She smiled.

The boy huffed and followed behind, sitting back down in his seat as she hurried up the stairs.

"I'll be down in a minute!" She called as a door was heard shut.

She seemed to be in a hurry, Ash didn't look too much into it, he shrugged, taking another bite of his cereal.

- 30 minutes ago -

"Shit shit shit shit-"

Cassie speed walked her way to her car as she left the store.

She had tears streaming down her cheeks, she looked down to avoid looks as she quickly got into her car and drove home.

The last few days, Cassie's been getting sick, almost exclusively every morning and the cherry on top on this cake of a mess, was the fact that she was late.

Once she pulled into the driveway, she composed herself, wiping away the tears as she took deep breaths.

"You're gonna be fine it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine.." she tells herself.

After taking a moment to calm down she makes her way inside and makes it up the stairs without much question.

She was surprised to see Ash up this early, especially on an off day, but nevertheless she was in the clear, for now.

The girl nervously locks herself in the bathroom, the store bag in hand shaking just as bad as her hands.

With some struggle, she manages to open the package, revealing two pregnancy tests.

Tears trickled down the girls cheeks once more as she took the tests, setting a timer on her phone as she sat against the wall in unsettling anticipation.

Fear seeped into the deepest parts of her mind, what was she going to do if they came out positive?

She had a life now, a good one that was just now starting, and Ash had a career right in front of him, this couldn't happen.

She felt her face heating up as she tapped her foot on the floor.

The thought of another abortion made her skin crawl, and her eyes tear up.

She didn't want to go through that again, but they were so young, and had so much to look forward to before that stage of life.

Cassie flinched as her phone-timer went of, snapping her back into reality.

She took a shaky breath before getting up and grabbing the tests, then an exhale as she read the results.


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