trip to burbank, la

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~Cassie' POV~

The coach was a bit much, the entire ride to town he preached about TV etiquette to Ash. Not the most exciting way to spend your first trip to the showbiz side of LA.

"Here are your room keys, curfew is at eight, calltime for the shows at 10 so we should get there an couple hours early-"

"A couple hours?" I jumped in, "He's here to box, not rehearse a dance number, what's he even gonna do all that time?"

"Practice." He looked at her.

Ash gave me a look and I sighed, "Well what about after the interview?"

"We have access to the gym at the hotel so it'll be a training day until dinner at some fancy italian restaurant I can't pronounce." He says, handing me and Ash the itinerary.

"Il Fiore." Ashtray pronounces aloud, my head snaps, "You said that pretty good."

"I guess italian ain't too far off from french," Ash shrugged, earning a small laugh from me.

"I told you school can pay off." The elevator doors opened as Ash rolled his eyes and grabbed our bags.

He was real insistent about that one, earlier I tried to pick up a bag and he almost hissed at me.

"Yeah yeah yea-" Ash blushed as he put the card in the door, unlocking it.

Just as me and Ash were about to go in our room, the coach stopped us.

"Alright guys, get some rest and remember we gotta be up at 6 tomorrow for practice and rehearsal Ash."

He stops and looks at me, "You're free to sleep in, we gotta all be there for show time at 10. Take this," He hands me a visa card and I tilt my head.

"It's for food, provided by the show, don't go crazy with that, I have no idea how much is on it." He cautioned.

"Alright, thanks see you tomorrow."

"See ya."

Me and Ash waved him off and closed the door. I sighed and locked it.

"Man your schedule is packed. I thought you'd at least get to enjoy one day." I said, unzipping the bags after he tossed them on the bed.

"You really think we aint gon sneak out?"

A smirk crept up on my face, thank god, this hotel is nice and all but there's so much to see.

He grins at me, grabbing some nicer clothes to go out in, "C'mon we goin to the strip."

"Sunset?" I questioned with a chuckle, "Isn't that a little touristy?" Have I been there before?

"So? Doesn't make it any less cool, we could see someone famous." Ash retorted.

I hummed and grabbed an outfit, "I guess you're right, I haven't even been before now that I think of it."

"We'll then let's go!" He exclaimed, gesturing for me to change.

"Okay! I'm going, I'm going." I rushed into the bathroom and changed, fixing up my hair and makeup for the night.

I guess I was still taking a bit long because not long after, Ash was calling my name.

"Ma! C'mon let's go, coach is gonna be out like a light, we gotta go now!"

I quickly finished up and came out of the bathroom.

"Alright alright, you wanna wake him up again?" I teased, earning an eye roll from Ash.

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