small, pretty, vulnerable.

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SA, slight gore and mentions of ST

He took her hand and led her behind the door, "Stay behind me." He was as calm as possible, Gia on the other hand was doing everything not to cry or whimper.

Footsteps approached from the hallway getting close and closer to the door. Gia had both hands over her mouth and looked up, almost praying for her life. He had his pocket knife ready as he stood by the door, preparing to aim for the neck.

They got closer, and closer, and closer then, the doorbell goes off.

The footsteps stop, then start trailing away towards the front door. Ash looks to Gia and mouths, 'Now'.

Ash slowly opens the door and crouches down, pulling her down with him, she was shaking like crazy.

He pulled her up to his side, wrapping an arm around her to keep her down, "Okay, go go go go."

The boy snuck with her through the hallway and towards the back, but not before glancing at who the man was talking to, and when he did his heart dropped, it was Cassie.

Ash froze, making Gia stumble and make a noise.

-3 minutes earlier-

The wait for Ashtray and Gia was excruciating, at least for Nate it was, then it got a whole lot more interesting when Cassie pulled up in her old beach bike.

"Cassie!" Nate whisper yelled as he watched her get off the bike. She looked around, making sure to not draw too much attention, Nate was too far to hear.

She looked around at all the doors, most of the were boarded up, 

making her gulp as she found the one door the wasnt boarded up and knocked, stepping away from the door far enough so whoever came out couldn't just jump and grab her.

Not too long later the door opened, revealing a bald angry looking man, only he stopped being angry the moment he saw her.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at her, "What's a pretty young thing like you doin' out here in the dark?" he said, stepping out the door, he was still far enough, so she didn't move yet.

"Hello, sorry for disturbing you sir." She said kindly, but still aware, 

"My dog ran off a couple of hours ago and I tracked her to this area, but that GPS stuff really isn't that accurate-", the more she spoke the more bored he got, "Anyways, have you seen a-"

"You have big tits." He interrupted.

She looked back at him, gulping once more.

He was about to take another step forward when a sound came from inside the house. Cassie panicked, she looked behind the man and saw Ash helping Gia backup,

Once she was up they glanced back at the man and Cassie.

The man was about to look back so she did the only thing she could think of. She stepped forward once more, leaning against the rail and raising her chest. "Yes. I do."

That definitely got his attention, he took a step forward as well, smelling her perfume intensely. His face was uncomfortably close to hers.

Ash squeezed his pocket knife so hard, but he had something else in mind. He looked to Gia, 

"New plan, stay behind me, when I say go, well haul ass to the door, i'll push him out of the way and you just run out, Nate and your sister are waiting for you in his truck."

She nodded quickly trying to wipe the tears away, he helped her by wiping some off with his thumb. 

He held her face gently to try to help her calm down, "Listen, I gotchu, all you gotta do is run; me 'n Cas will be right behind you." She took a deep breath and nodded.

When he looked again his blood boiled, the man was leaning in closer to her whispering all the disgusting things he would do to her. 

He pulled back and smirked at her, the smell of meth mixed with all kinds of other drugs blew on her as he breathed on her neck.

"You're small, pretty." He lifted her chin up to look at him with his finger. "Vulnerable."

 Her lip quivered as she fought tears, she pushed them back down and kept her composure, "I'll me show you how a man fucks." He reached out grabbing her breast.


It was like slow motion, 

Ash sprinted from the back door all the way to the front, he grabbed the man's head and arm, using the momentum he gained from running to swing his body around and practically throw him onto the ground.

Gia ran right past them, straight to Nate's truck, joining Rue.

Cassie gasped, thankfully stepping back in time to not get knocked the fuck out.

Ash got up and ran to the man as he was about to get up. 

He pulls his shirt up, over his face and around his neck, it looked like he was admit on no letting the man see him, and he wasn't letting him make any noise.

The man struggled, trying to groan but Ash was pulling on the shirt so hard he could barely breathe. Ash's eyes were bloodshot as he grabbed the man's head and hit it against the concrete stair.

He did it three times, Cassie was behind him trying to pull him away, "Ash- Ash!" She shook him and he finally broke out of it, looking at her with a cold stare.

Cassie ignored this taking his hand and looking at him intently, "We have to go.."

He just sniffles in anger as he run to the car, as soon as their in, Nate speeds off; the man's dead body laying on the bottom of the stairs.


The car ride was hell, Ashtray wouldn't speak to anyone, not even Cassie. All he could do was look out the window with that stare.

"Ashtray we made it out fine! We're okay." She tried talking to him, but he just ignored her.

They both got out of the car and the others quickly sped inside, just to peak out the window to watch the fight that's about to happen. Lexi and Suze ran down from upstairs, joining them by the window.

"Did you guys find Cassie??" She exclaimed, Nate nodded and Suze got her yelling face on. "That girl's about to get th-" Just as she was about to storm outside, Rue gently stopped her, "Woah woah woah woah, I think he's got it covered." 

She pointed out the window towards Cassie and Ash.

help me | ashtrayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें