nice dinner, messy after-party

963 38 4

~third person~

Cassie stood in front of the body length mirror, adjusting her red form fitting dress that draped over her leg.

There was a cut in it that exposed one of her legs, revealing her red stilettos and silver ankle bracelet.

She put on her sparkly diamond earrings, they were her moms, Suze wanted cassie to have some extra nice jewelry to wear at the dinner.

"Ay! You ready??" Ash called from the front door. Cassie sighed and clipped the earring on quickly, "Alright alright!"

Ash stood by the door, waiting for the girl to come out. When she did, his heart started racing.

Her hair was done beautifully, matching her red dress.

"Let's go," Cassie said with a smile.

Ash looked her up and down,"..Yea, c'mon."

The boys eyebrows furrowed, Cassie was oblivious to this, thank god.

She smiled at him, her red lipstick making her teeth look extra white.

He sent back a slight smirk, putting his arm out for her to hold onto, "Nice tux," Cassie compliments. "You look handsome." She smiled at him.

He felt his cheeks heat up and held out his arm for her,  "You look gorgeous, Ma." She looked at him with a pleasantly surprised face, who knew Ash could be chivalrous.

The pair walked out of the hotel, they were told to go to a car that was waiting for them outside.

"This is some fancy shit," Ash said with an excited expression.

Cassie giggled as the two hopped inside, he pulled a blunt out of his pocket and looked at Cassie with a smirk.

She sighed in defeat and grinned, "Fine," Ash scooted closer to the girl happily and pulled out his lighter.

Ash raised the blunt to his lips, lighting it and sucking in.

Once it lit up, he handed it to Cassie. She took it, taking big hit, finishing it off with a ghost.

"Damn Cassie you ripped the shit outta that-"

He was quickly interrupted by the sounds of her coughing, bad too; she was okay. "Alright, c'mon, here, cough it out," Ash chuckled, handing her his water.

The girl took it gratefully and washed the burning sensation away. "Woah-"

Ash chuckled at her, taking the blunt back and hitting it again before putting it out and away.

They both relaxed into the seats, letting their senses dim slightly.

~ashtray's pov~

This was some good shit, it was a stash I was saving for somethin' special, like this.

Imma be honest, I couldn't stop lookin' at her, she didn't notice most of the time but I quit when we got to the restaurant.

I jumped out first, standing up and holding my hand out for her's. Ion know, they do that in movies n' shit.

She smiled and took my hand, I pulled her up and the driver waved us off.

"Let's go," She said with a grin. I held out my arm and she took it gladly, walking with me inside.

The place was actually pretty cool, we were on a list so me and Cas got to get a table as soon as we got inside.

They brought us to a backroom, it was more exclusive or whatever. I dipped my head down as we walked past different movie stars and singers and rappers, sighing in relief when we finally get seated.

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