sit down nate

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TW: Violence, DU, Blood

She was quick, Ash held his arms out as she jumped at him, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. "You kicked the shit out of him!"

Cassie said, Ash laughed and set her down, "It was just one punch, Ma." He said as he glanced at Daniel who had the nurse looking at him. "Kind of a pussy." he said as he took the wrappings off his knuckles. They were red and scabbing from all the workouts and training.

"Ouch-" Ash winced.

"Let me see." Cassie said as she gently took a hold his arm and looked at his fist.

Before he would've argued and put up a fight, but over the months Ash figured out that no one patched him up at home better than her, so he just shuts up and lets her do her thing, with a tiny smile, maybe.

He let her take his hand and inspect his fists, grabbing the other one and looking closely. "One of those big fat bandaids would be perfect-" She looks over to the nurses kit. "Be right back." She squeezed his arm lightly before heading for the kit.

Lexi and Suze finally got down from the stairs and both ran at Ashtray jumping wrapping their arms around him, he took a few steps back to make sure he didn't fall before setting them back down as well.

Ash was a little taken back, he didn't really like to hug anyone but Cassie, but this was a good moment, so who cares.

Cassie came back to the group with some bandaids and Suze face lit up, "Perfect! Lets take some more pictures." She said happily.

Nodding, Cassie put the bandaids on Ash's fists, she looked up. Ash had grown over the last 3 months he's been with the Howards, not many changes to his features besides his slightly longer and surprisingly curly hair, but he definitely had a growth spurt, he was Cassie's height now.

"You ready?" Suze asked.

The girls nodded and stood on each side of Ash, smiling wide as Ash just did a little smirk for the camera.

Suze took pictures excitedly as she directed them. "Oh come on Ash, girls, try to get him to smile, make him laugh or something." She waved at them as she kept looking at her phone for good angles.

Ash scoffed and looked at the two girls, "Good luck." Ash said proudly.

Lexi wasn't really sure what to do so she looked at Cassie who had a devilish smirk on her face. "None needed."

She looks to Lexi and mouths 'follow my lead'. Cassie said as she put her hand on Ash's shoulder, Lexi doing the same.

Ash was skeptical, but didn't run just yet.

The girls gave each other a giggly nod before closing there eyes and kissing his cheeks, Lexi on the left with the diamond, and Cassie on the right, by his initials. Ash's eyes went wide and his cheeks went red.

Suze took one photo, but she stopped to look at it for a second, she swipes on the phone and snaps back to reality.

"Again! Yes you guys look so great!" She exclaimed loudly, similar to how she was at Lexi's play.

Lexi and Cassie were holding in there laughs as they tried to keep their lips on his cheeks.

Finally Ashtray let out a "Pft" and started laughing with them, Nate just stood there in the background with an unimpressed look in his eyes.

After Suze took a couple of extra pictures Cassie left for the bathroom and Lexi and Suze were going through the photos.

He looked around and his eyes locked on Nate. Target acquired.

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