fuck school

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-third person-

"Listen, you know I'm grateful for you for takin' me in and stuff, but do I really have to go to school?" The buzz cut boy complained as Cassie stuck his lunch in his bag.

She chuckled as she zipped up his backpack, "Here, sit down." She led him down to a seat at the dining table, proceeding to fix now slightly grown hair.

"You can't sit around here alone all day, plus maybe you'll make some friend's." She said optimistically. 

Ash just grumbled as she ran the comb through his hair. "I don't need friends."

Cassie looked at him with a fake sad face, "Ouch!"

He put his hands up with a laugh, "But I want you." He quickly furrowed his brows at the sound of that.

"Well you still need to get an education." She said, Ash sighed, only half-happy that the subject changed.

"I don't need the shit they teach in there. Fez taught me everything I need to know."

Cassie just looked at him as she brushed his hair, she knows he missed Fez and she felt awful. She ran her fingers through his hair, resting her chin on his head.

Ash just closed his eyes and relaxed.

She quickly pulled back when she heard footsteps headed towards them.

Suze sat down at the dining table, looking up at the boy with a bit of a drunken but happy smile. "I'll be there first to admit that street smarts can get you far." She said as she stood up.

"But if you want out of the game, you're gonna have to start with school." She reasoned. To which the boy sighed and scratched his head, making her laugh.

Cassie turns him to face her, smiling at him. 

"You look good, Ash." She complimented.

Ash returned her compliment with a smile and Lexi walked in with her keys, "You guys ready?" She questioned.

Cassie nodded and Ash gulped. "Well let's go, we're going to be late."


School wasn't anything like what Ashtray had expected, besides the drama, bullshit and idiocy. 

Learning, however was a whole other thing. 

Math, first period, a breeze. Ash could do this shit in his sleep.

Years of counting money and doing calculations in his head for deals made him a natural math wiz.

Science and social studies we're quick as well, no one really has a hard time in history and science is just more math.

After a boring free period, lunch rolled around, finally.

He went off to look for Cassie and Lexi.

The halls were filled with stares from other students, Ashtray figured it was the tattoos. He just gave them all his usual stone cold stare with an eye roll as he made his way towards the courtyard.

Girls were another issue that Ashtray was realizing he was going to have to deal with. 

Since the day started he's already gotten five notes from girls in different classes, all having their numbers surrounded by an assortment of hearts on the paper.

Ash just groaned uncomfortably as he tossed them in the trash.

"Ashtray?" A familiar voice spoke.

His head shot up quick, he looked over his shoulder. "Oh shit, hey Rue." He took note of her sobriety, he could tell.

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