The Hellen Show

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~third person~

Cassie woke up alone in the hotel room. She mumbles and rubs her eyes looking around, her eyes lock on a note by the nightstand between her and Ash's hotel beds.

She picked the note up and scanned through it,

Training @ the studio gym, come see me when you wake up.

She yawned and smiled at the note, putting it down and opening the curtains.

They had a pretty nice view, the whole city could be seen from their hotel room. At night it was even better.

Cassie went along with her everyday routine, she dressed up nicely, wearing a dress she brought from home and some nice heels.

The studio was busy, people wearing black shirts and jeans were all over the place. Cassie was having some trouble trying to find the gym, it was a maze, lights were everywhere, flashing in her eyes and confusing the hell out of her.

Eventually she found help with an assistant, he took her to the gym where Ashtray was beating the shit out of a punching bag.

He glanced up at her, a smile appearing on his sweaty face. He ripped off his boxing gloves and approached her, reaching out for a hug, "Morning Ma-"

"Hey hey hey!" Cassie said, backing away. Ash looked at her with a confused expression, "what's up?"

"We're about to be on TV and you're all sweaty! I don't wanna look gross." She teased, punching his arm playfully.

Ash rolled his eyes, he didn't care, he was gonna get that hug one way or another.

He gave her a smirk that sent a chill down her spine, "No- Ash no- don't!"

The boy lunges forward at her, wrapping his arms around the squirming girl.

"Damnit Ashtray!" She wined, wrestling with him on the ground.

She'd gotten better at rough housing with him, he really toughened her up.

They rolled around and eventually Ash got the upper hand, "This ain't ever gon' change, Ma." She rolled her eyes at the smirk on his face.

"You win." Cassie said, defeated.

Ash took the girls hand, helping her up.

She grinned as she felt his fingers run through her hair, fixing most of the messy curls they made from messing around.

His eyes stayed on hers as he brushed a strand of hair away.

She looked back into his, she noticed he was going to say something before a crew member who brought the Coach, interrupted.

"We're on air in 30 seconds, come meet Hellen."

Cassie and Ash were ushered towards the stage, the host sat on a big chair, while Cassie and Ash and the Coach were seated on the couch beside her.

Cassie looked to be a fan of the talk show host, her face brightened up when she saw her and she held out her hand to shake but the host looked away.

"Save it for the show."

Her elated expression turned disappointed, Ash noticed all this, giving the host a smug look.

Suddenly, a crew member came out to Cassie, whispering, "Come with me."

She obliged, getting up and following the man, looking back at Ash.

He reached out for her, "Wait I thought-"

The lights suddenly flashed on and the host started speaking.

"Welcome back! We're joined today by a special guest from East Highland! He's a pro boxer and he's here to show us what he can do, tell us, what's your name kid?"

The lights shined brightly in Ashtrays eyes, he lifted his hand to block some of it out, trying to find Cassie backstage.

"I thought-" He looked back at the host, trying to respond, "Uhm.. Ash. Ashtray O'Neil."

The studio was awkwardly silent for a moment, "Welcome to the show Ashtray, tell me, you've been training for two years in boxing, is that right?"

Not being able to find Cassie was stressing Ash out a little, but he looked over to the host and tried to relax, "Yea, since freshman year."

"That's great! You got in shape quick! What kind of routine do you have to go through to stay in shape? For someone your age."

Ash looked uncomfortable in the beginning, but he eventually lightened up. 

"Yeah, but winning the fights are worth it so I don't mind it, it clears my head."

The host nodded as he spoke, "I'm sure you're quite popular at school, you got any special girl waiting for you back at home?" She teased.

A shade of red appeared on the boys cheeks, he didn't know what or what not to talk about.

"Uh no, not really," She's here with me.

Oh I'm sure after this you'll have some more luck, you are a very good looking kid, am I wrong ladies and gentlemen?" She complimented, a round of applause roaring from the audience.

Cassie watched from backstage, they decided to have her not part of the show, she'd distract from the main event. She was fine with that, this was his moment.

Lexi and Suze were of course screaming at home, watching Ash on the popular day talk show.

Ash got a handle on all this quickly, he answered most questions charismatically, he noticed the audience seemed to like that.

"You're here to show us some of you're moves, let's see em!" The host exclaimed, causing the audience to cheer again.

Ash stood up and walked over to the coach, who had target gloves on for him to hit.

He struck them quickly, keeping on a consistent rhythm and wowing the audience. Ash's steps were quick, the coach was obviously having trouble keeping up. He finished it off with a fancy high kick, flipping through the air.

The crowd, Cassie, Lexi, Suze and everyone that was watching for him at home cheered for him.

After the training segment they went on to talk about Ash's life, he kept a lot out, barely even mentioning he had a brother. When the host asked about his parents, he lied and said they were watching at home.

"Awh, well if your parents are home who's here with you?" 

Ash glanced backstage, "Uhm, I came with my coach and Cas."

The host looked intrigued, "That's nice! Who's Cas? Is that your sister?" She asked, earning a chant from the audience, wanting to know what he was talking about."

"Oh no, Cassie's-" 

Ashtray stopped himself, he didn't really know what exactly to say, he didn't see Cassie as a sister, he saw her as more, he found it difficult to put into words.

"She's my-" 

The boy was interrupted by the sound of an alarm, the show host raised her hands in the air and stood up. "Looks like our time with you is up, thank you so much for coming on the show, were taking care of your dinner tonight, anywhere you want, thank you!"

The crowd roared, this was all so disorientating for Ash, the host glanced at him for a moment, then scoffed, walking away to her dressing room. 

"Ash!" Cassie approached him from backstage with a happy grin on her face, "You did great! How'd you like it?" She asked him.

He stood up and shrugged wrapping an arm around her and walking off the stage as they talked. 

"It was alright, too many damn questions." Ash said, annoyed.

Cassie chuckled and shook her head, "That's her job, genius."

"Hey guys, Ash, you really took it out of me earlier, i'm gonna head to sleep early, you kids have fun tonight, be back in the room by 11, I'll have an alarm set to check." The coach warned, Cassie and Ash nodded as the coach walked away. 

The pair looked each other, "Lets go get ready for tonight." Ash said, pulling along Cassie who walked with him all the way back to the hotel.

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