Chapter 18 - A Battle Won

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

The sirens' disdain for Voldemort echoed throughout the ocean.

As Lily sat beside her watery sisters on one of the shore's many craggy rocks one evening, she frowned as she listened to their angry hisses while they discussed their recent introduction to the Dark Lord.

"-Isn't it a good thing?" Lily asked once she gathered her courage.

Circe, Ligeia, and Raidne glanced over with their eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"............That my mate and I have promised our first child to the man previously known as Tom Riddle?" Lily blinked, "He wants to destroy land dwellers. That's what you three are all about, isn't it?"

"Foolish girl!" Ligeia spat.

Raidne growled, but Circe questioned, "And what then, if he succeeds? Do you think Tom Riddle has asked for your child, little one, so he may have company in the lonely hours?"

Lily blinked.

Ligeia and Raidne made wailing noises of rapt frustration but Circe held onto her patience as she continued, "Once a man's blood mingles with a siren's, the creatures of the sea can no longer touch him.....Make no mistake in your judgement, Tom Riddle waits for the day when he can use your child to gain victory over the ocean and all creatures who dwell within it."

"But that's ridiculous!" Lily laughed, "He doesn't care about the sea, he's-"

"-Every man cares about the sea!" Ligeia interrupted.

"Where do you think life itself comes from?!" Raidne snapped.

Circe nodded as she calmly confirmed their statements, "The ocean offers minerals, resources, food, travel, medicines.....a vast array of usefulness any land dweller can exploit if they manage. What sort of man would not wish to control the sea? Does avarice not define their nature?"

"But....." Lily began with a frown.

"Look at it this way, little one...." Circe sighed as she plucked a decaying shell from the underside of the rock which served as her seat.

Lily blinked as she watched the siren break the shell into five pieces and lay each one on the rock's smooth surface.

"Imagine the world segmented into five parts." Circe instructed as she looked down at the broken bits of shell. Lily watched as she picked up one of those five pieces, held it up, and nodded, "This is the land that covers the earth."

Lily blinked before Circe gestured to the remaining four pieces of shell as she grinned, "And these......are the ocean in its endless majesty."

Lily's emerald eyes widened as she contemplated the revelation Circe had demonstrated.

"The sea is power." Ligeia summarized as she crossed her arms.

".....And wise men know that." Circe nodded. Her grin vanished as she gazed at Lily and frowned, "Daughter of Lucienda, the man once called Tom Riddle did not strike me as a fool."


While Lily dealt with fuming sirens, Severus found himself in the company of a very disgruntled Dark Lord.

"How dare those vile beasts stare into my eyes......into the eyes of the greatest wizard who has ever lived......and dismiss my request!" Voldemort spat while Severus stood a short distance away.

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