Chapter 17 - Lily's Secret

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The next few weeks before the regular academic year resumed were pure bliss for Severus and Lily.

Lily spent those last days of her recovery lounging in Severus's arms while they chatted and delighted in one another.

Severus clung to every second spent in his darling's loving presence.

The happiness the couple had shared regrettably became threatened as their seventh year at Hogwarts began.

Severus was more determined than ever to stay by his beloved flower's side.

Lily didn't mind the whispers of the other girls as she walked through the stone corridors.

That's all they were to her, meaningless whispers.

No one would dare say anything to her face, not after her attack against the Marauders in fifth year.

Every single one of her friends had abandoned her except for Severus, but Lily did not grieve the loss of her social connections.

Severus had seen her for what she was, what she had become, and he had loved her still.

Lily determined her unusual condition had helped her learn a single truth.......Severus belonged to her as she belonged to him.


Seventh year Slytherin and Gryffindor students encountered more opportunities to take classes without seeing one another than any other year as each witch or wizard pursued the qualifications for their desired career paths.

Each day, Lily's Divination class occurred during Severus's Transfiguration period.

The couple stealthily used their time apart to their mutual advantage.

Every morning, they agreed upon a new time to meet later that afternoon.

Severus would raise his hand in class just as Lily raised hers, a short distance across the castle.

"Yes, Miss Evans?" Professor Trelawney blinked.

"Yes, Mr. Snape?" Professor McGongagall's response came to her student's inquiry.

Mumbled excuses allowed them both to leave their classrooms a moment later for simultaneous visits to the lavatory, then Severus and Lily would each sneak quietly down the hall during that time each day.

One afternoon, Lily hid inside the entrance to the abandoned girl's lavatory and smirked as she waited for Severus to join her there.

His uneven steps sounded nervous, but a few moments later, he cautiously peered around the entrance, only to find himself greeted by Lily's glowing, green eyes.

He started suddenly, caught off guard by her nearness before the happy giggle she let out soothed him into a state of calm.

"Did I frighten you, Sev?" Lily asked with a bright smile.

"Hardly." Severus answered in his low purr as he let Lily take his hand and guide him into the lavatory.

Silently, they snuck into the stall in the left most corner of the cavernous bathroom.

Lily locked the door behind them as Severus whispered, "You surprised me, that's all."

He watched her chuckle as she placed her hands on his chest and gazed into his face.

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