Chapter 1 - Severus and Lily

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Flowing, red rivers of young men's blood warmed the black night as the Second World War's terror continued unrelentingly through the spring of 1945.

In the sky somewhere between England and France, young Richard Evans grit his teeth as his hands clamped onto the steering knob while fiery explosions burst like bleeding memories into his peripheral vision around both sides of his aircraft.

The radio in the cockpit crackled as the sound of his brothers-in-arms tried desperately to warn him about the danger which his position left him powerless to defeat.

"Swing down, Evans!"

"They're on your tail!"

"Dive, man, dive!"

Richard turned his head to catch a glimpse of his evil, dark enemy, with its spinning, black propellers and shark-painted snout as it carried his doom straight towards him.

Acting on adrenaline, he pushed the black lever in the center of the console down, but it was too late.

From somewhere behind him, he heard a screeching, ominous blast ring out.

His plane jolted so violently with the impact that for a split second, he imagined that he had died from the force of the punishing shot.

Richard's eyes widened as the sickening sensation of falling fast and heavy took over.

He gasped for breath as he choked on billowing clouds of black smoke.

The scent of burning metal permeated the air while his plane accelerated in its tailspin towards the ocean below.

This was the moment, the harrowing confrontation with death that he and all of his fellow soldiers had trained for, the second that their fallen friends had already faced.

Richard closed his eyes as the wreckage of his plane hurtled towards the dark sea water at a horrifying speed.

His survival instincts reminded him to make an attempt to save himself, no matter how futile his efforts seemed.

While he fell, he murmured a prayer under his breath and freed himself from the belt on his seat.

As he coughed and sputtered, Richard cracked his eyes open in time to see the ocean.

He hurriedly grabbed one of the tools next to his leg and used it to smash the plane's small window.

In the crash, as soon as he saw the water rush towards him, he forced himself to slip out into the sea seconds before his plane exploded.


Although the ocean was deceptively dark and frighteningly vast, Richard Evans wasn't alone in its depths.

Long, talon-covered fingers had twitched curiously as glowing, green orbs had watched the fiery wreckage slam into the water before something shot out of the metallic, burning hunk.

Those glowing, green orbs had flashed with excitement after they fell on the man who struggled to find his bearings under the sea.

Without hesitation, the creature that had watched Richard's plane fall into the ocean propelled itself from the sandy sea floor and began to approach.


Richard Evans battled to rise to the surface as he grit his teeth from the pain caused by waving his injured limbs in the thick water.

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