Chapter 6 - Siren's Song

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Although McGonagall had cast a charm to keep them both safe, Lily hadn't seemed to recover well from standing out in the thunderstorm.

For the rest of the spring, Severus noticed that she had to report to the infirmary several times a week for some sort of...exam.....with Madam Pomfrey.

Lily never spoke to him about those visits.

Severus chose not to pester her with questions, but he did decide to continue his research.

One sunny afternoon, he sat reading his latest library book underneath the shade of a small tree in the courtyard.

The volume's spine bore the title: Records of Magical Encounters from Oceans and Rivers.

Severus became engrossed in his reading.

His dark eyes narrowed as he read through one passage of particular interest:

Beyond selkie, mermaid, sea nymph, and sprite, the siren sits above all. With little regard for human life, a great disdain for man, and an appetite for golden blood, this predator of the seas is extremely volatile in emotional disposition and more than equipped physically to deal with any threat. In possession of magic that far surpasses most ordinary witches or wizards' abilities, the siren can dominate both sea and air with little effort and a great resistance to most weapons of iron or curse. The only rescue for one doomed to the depths of the watery trenches is to choose a-

"All alone out here, Snivelly?" A hateful voice called.

Severus's heart lurched as he looked up from his book.

James Potter walked towards him with an arrogant sneer on his face.

Severus relaxed slightly when he noticed that James was alone, that meant perhaps he wouldn't attack.

James Potter rarely chose to wage a fair fight.

Fair was not a word with which his enemy was very well acquainted, Severus had learned that.

"Do you have so little to do that you find yourself with enough time to heckle people while they read?" Severus shot back at James.

"Where's Evans?" James sneered, "In the loo? I'm surprised you didn't follow her there to wipe her bum."

"Lily and I are best friends, Potter." Severus snapped with a stoic frown, "Remind me again of the bond you share with her?....She doesn't talk about you very much......unsurprisingly...She and I have much more interesting topics to discuss."

An ominous glare clouded James's face as Severus flaunted his friendship with Lily.

Severus spoke no lies.

Lily never mentioned James.

Before James could open his mouth and fire back an insult-laced retort, Severus looked past his nemesis.

He felt his tense expression relax as he watched Lily enter the courtyard.

"What are you doing, Potter?" Lily hissed at James while she walked by and scowled at him.

James blinked as he watched her continue straight on her path towards Severus without a pause.

"I....." James stammered.

"Come on, Sev." Lily said as she walked over to Severus, "Let's go find a more private place to chat, shall we? I have loads to tell you."

She made certain to speak with added volume.

Severus Snape and the Siren: A Snily TaleWhere stories live. Discover now