Chapter 13 - Shipwrecked

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Severus's heart pounded during the hours of anxious waiting that followed Ronaldo's chilling statement.

The tattered ship deftly navigated through the craggy rocks that jutted from the dark waters, yet no threat came.

As drowsiness pulled his eyelids downwards, Severus felt himself threaten to relax in the lull of the black night.

The lanterns around the ship burned brightly as he took a brief walk to wake himself.

He yawned as he stretched his arms and looked out over the deck at the endless void in which he had become enveloped.

It almost seemed otherworldly, surreal, more than-

A flicker of movement next to him revealed his privacy had been disrupted.

As Severus blinked the sleep away from his eyes, he snapped his head over to glance beside himself.

His mouth fell open as his dark gaze fell on a very wet and very naked woman.

With black hair and black eyes that nearly matched his, she gave him a confident smirk before Severus heard gasps of surprise from the crew behind him.

As he turned away, he sucked in a deep breath.

Crawling and walking onto the ship from the waves themselves, one nude woman after another boarded the vessel.

Their eyes, which ranged in colour, glowed as brightly as Lily's had a few nights prior. Their skin lacked the human flaws of blemishes or freckles, and their hair, whether black, red, or blonde,  had been placed into intricately woven braids, varying in length.

Ronaldo nodded over at Severus once he glanced in his direction before a heavy thud caught their attention.

Both looked over to see an impossibly tall, red-headed, bare woman land on their boat.

For a split second, Severus was certain it was Lily until he saw her face; fair, but not as fair as his flower's.

Not at all.

Although he ignored her nakedness, he couldn't help but stare at the huge wings which ran from her shoulders to the small of her back, outfitted with heavy, dark feathers.

"A lovely evening....Don't you agree, everyone?" The tall, red-headed woman....creature.....called.

Severus watched the crew sheepishly nod as she took the talons at the end of her fingers and ran them across the nearest paneling to send wood shavings falling to the ship's floorboards.

Ronaldo cleared his throat and bravely stepped forward as he addressed her, "It is, perhaps, but not as lovely as you, my lady!"

The red-headed woman laughed as she looked over and scoffed, "Flattery is not sustenance for a siren, sir......Surely this ship has brought something more.....substantial?"

As Ronaldo snapped his fingers, Severus watched several crew members wave their wands to transfigure nearby objects into musical instruments, which they hurriedly began to play.

Severus then saw him nod at the two wizards who had carried the chest onboard.

They both scrambled to grasp the heavy object and pull it forward as Ronaldo smiled at the winged woman and gestured with his hands, "Only the finest for the rulers of the sea.....Please! Come and enjoy!"

The winged woman narrowed her eyes as she jumped down from the platform near the steering wheel and landed with another devastating thud.

Severus blinked as he gazed up at the tall creature while Ronaldo opened the chest to reveal thousands of glittering gold coins.

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