Chapter 16 - Together

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Severus wasn't quite sure how he had done it, but somehow, Voldemort had procured the rest of their summer term assignments and lessons to be sent directly to their new, temporary residence.

It had been simple enough for Severus to use a forging spell and mail a letter to Lily's family that claimed the programme at the castle had been extended.

Lily didn't much care what Severus told her family as she began her lengthy recovery in the shabby little flat Voldemort had secured for the couple in Knockturn Alley.

Their surroundings were less than ideal, but they were together and that was more than enough to satisfy Severus.

He cast daily cleaning spells over their living areas to keep Lily as comfortable and happy as possible, though she had other concerns on her mind.

Her tongue and eyes that had been replaced by the Dark Lord were exact replicas of the ones she had lost.

Although Lily had received Voldemort's cure instantly, it startled her and Severus she had to relearn how to use her gifts.

He kept the windows of their flat closed to block out the sun's intrusive brightness.

Each day, Lily was able to tolerate the light more and more, but the process to adjust her new eyes proved to be slow.

Her speech did not instantly return either.

While Severus had no experience teaching anything to anyone, he found himself acting as Lily's speech therapist.

Each afternoon, they carefully practiced pronunciations and the linguistics of English.

A fortnight after the incident, Lily had progressed to being capable of small conversations, though their were still instances when her untrained tongue would cause her to slur her speech.

Each time Severus heard an error, he was careful to correct her with attentive patience.

Sometimes he placed Lily's fingers on his throat or in his mouth to let her follow the movements he made to speak properly.

As she squinted at him through her new, emerald eyes, beyond the studious concentration in her gaze, Severus could clearly see the fond gratitude that shone from within her heart.

Other young men his age may have detested being cooped up in that small, damask flat but Severus had never been happier.

He spent every waking second next to Lily.

Although they slept in separate bedrooms, Severus often woke and crept down the short hallway to poke his head into her room and verify she was not in need of assistance.

Lily usually rested with a frown on her fair face, but Severus sighed in relief each time he found her asleep.

He realized slumber would be a wonderful catalyst for her recovery.

One night, after waking from a nightmare in which the grotesque scene of Lily's assault had played through his mind once more, Severus leapt from his bed with a dry gasp and padded down the hallway.

He carefully opened her bedroom door a crack, careful not to wake her with the noise from its squeak.

To his surprise, she met his gaze as he peered into her room.

"Hey, Sev." She smiled as she reached towards him, "Come in, won't you?"

Severus's black eyes widened as Lily held her arm outstretched, hopeful he would comply with her request.

Severus Snape and the Siren: A Snily TaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora