Chapter 3 - Hogwarts

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Severus wore an unusually pleased smile that autumn as he and Lily walked through Platform Nine and Three-Quarters after they waved goodbye to their families.

Tobias hadn't come, but Severus didn't mind since Eileen had been there to see him off.

Lily's eyes were as wide as Severus's while they boarded the magical train with their trunks.

At the tender age of eleven, Severus displayed the chivalry of helping his darling with her luggage.

As soon as they found an empty compartment, they hastily claimed it for themselves.

Severus placed their trunks above their heads and sat down next to Lily.

She flashed him a bright grin when the Hogwarts Express began to move and he gladly returned her happy gaze.

"I'm really excited, Sev! From what your Mum told us, Hogwarts must be amazing!" She beamed.

"Yes......" Severus nodded as he gazed into Lily's eyes while the train chugged along, "I'm certain it will be.......amazing."

As Lily laughed, Severus could not suppress his grin.

It had saddened him to leave his mother behind, but he felt elated to finally be freed from the cycle of abuse in which his father kept the Snape household trapped.

Although Lily thought the castle would be incredible, Severus knew for a fact that no thing, place, or person could possibly be more incredible than her.


The two best friends stayed cocooned together in their own secluded world during their ride to school.

Lily eventually left Severus's side to use the lavatory, not knowing that her innocent trip would shatter their blissful privacy.

The compartment door remained open while Severus waited for her to return.

As he stared out into the hallway at the hundreds of students that hurried up and down the train's narrow corridor, nervousness crept into his mind.

Severus had never seen so many other children in one place.

Lily's words echoed back to him and for a moment, he sympathized with her fear that someone would threaten their friendship.

Out in the hallway, Lily walked back to the compartment after she had finished her errand, but she happened to catch the eye of the wrong person.

A boy with messy, brown hair scowled at her as she passed by.

In the flurrying scurry of people that drifted through the train's hallway, Lily didn't realize she had been followed until she sat back down beside Severus and a voice called out behind her, "Hello."

Lily had just smoothed her skirt.

Once she noticed that Severus stared towards the open compartment with a frown on his face, Lily looked over.......

The brown-haired boy she had passed without acknowledging blinked at them both until Lily answered, ".......Hello."

"I'm James Potter." The boy introduced himself before he bragged arrogantly, "I'm a first year student, but I'm more than ready to start. My father's already shown me a few spells.....Who are you?"

Severus bristled at the cocky tone in the boy's voice.

He was too young to identify it, but jealousy rose in his heart as he watched another boy show the audacity to come out of nowhere and brazenly approach Lily.

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