shopping pt.1 (shorter than ink)

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Soon enough the trio where riding on a motorcycle to a shopping center, Murders/Dusts (I think I'll just continue using dust, orr if Y'all want murder) motorcycle had a flame pattern on it, he had got it a few months ago as a present from Nightmare, he rarely used it as he could simply just teleport, but he was still thankful for it anyways. Soon enough the trio made it to the shopping center, hopping off the motorcycle and into the large shopping center, it was pretty packed with both humans and monsters everywhere and all sorts of food stalls at the food court, Horror brought some chewing gum and nuts as a just incase fasting, (btw since Horror hasn't ate for a LONG time, he needs to start off by eating things that are small and easily digestible, and then after like a month he can introduce more complexed carbs into his diet, I tried searching up info about long fasting but there where none on 7 years of fasting lmao) thing unique stores all around, the first thing the trio wanted to buy was some new clothes as all their clothes where crusty af and uncomfy, they headed into a clothing store, a few people started to point and stare, Horror just giving them a threating look while the others just ignored them. Soon enough they all had found some clothes they wanted to buy, so they headed out to the register, paying with nightmares credit card (another thing is apparently after fasting you can't eat any processed or sugary foods for double the time you where fasting, so uhm I'm just gonna say since Horror is a skeleton and has magic, he doesn't need to wait 14 years, only uhh 14 weeks ig? So I'm still using irl logic) after paying they headed to another store, buying some plushies and cute toys for fun, still using nightmares credit card
extremely short chapter due to the fact it's 1am and I have someone in the same bed as me and cuddling me making this 10x harder to write, sorry y'all

353 words btw

Middle of the night (Horror X Dust) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now