Hopefully, it would give me time to remember what happened last night.

I walked onto the board walk out behind my tent that led to the showers. Several wooden stalls that closed, water spraying from nozzles over the sides. A few men were already in the showers, some chatting and others just quietly hurrying to get away from the others. Or so I figured until I approached and they caught sight of me. I ignored them, however and stepped into a wooden stall, hanging my pack over the side of the stall, tying it in a tight knot so no one would come by and steal it. I stripped my clothes off and hung them over the side before turning the shower on.

I actually sighed in relief as the warm shower water fell down upon my head, soaking my hair. I could feel the water trailing along my sides, pooling down my back. It splashed to the concentrate floor beneath, joining the rest of the filthy bath water from the others before it was sucked down a drain.

I relaxed, letting the warm water caress my skin, tickling the hairs on the back of my neck and down my legs. I rubbed my arms along my body, rubbing the filth away. I brushed the hair back over my shoulder, stooping to rub at my calves when I heard a whistle that made me snap my head up to see Simon peering over the edge of the stall at me. Simon's gray-blue eyes were tired with dark circles under them, yet he still managed to look cute. He reminded me of a puppy. His caramel hair was soft and fluffy, now damp with water. What annoyed me was the fact that he was staring at my neck.

"Did Killian do that?" He asked. I blinked, then felt a rush of panick when I wondered for a moment if he had bitten me, but when I reached up to touch my neck, I felt no puncture wounds or anything. I frowned, confused as Simon blushed and shook his head.

"Uhm, no, I mean... Well," He glanced around, then leaned forward, cupping his hand near his mouth to whisper, "You have a hickey on your neck."

"A what?" I asked, furrowing my brow in confusion. Simon looked even more flustered at the question as he cleared his throat, shifting uncomfortably. So much for the bravado he showed when I had first arrived.

"It's like a bruise... from really harsh kissing." He added. I stared at him for a moment, then I think the full weight of everything that happened last night hit me like a wave so strong that I almost fell, but caught my balance on the side of the stall.

"Are you all right?" Simon asked in concern. I quickly brushed my hair back over my neck, flashing Simon a glare.

"If you tell anyone--"

"Calm down," Simon protested uneasily, holding a hand up to me, "I won't tell, not that it'll matter. The guys who came by your tent last night all noticed that Killian stayed behind. And they saw him leave your tent this morning. Why is it such a bad thing that you slept with Killian anyway? We've all noticed the way he looks at you. Did you see him the other day during practice? He was eyeing you like a woman eyeing the last pair of Gucchi shoes at the mall."

"I don't understand your reference," I told him stiffly, "But it doesn't matter. It was an accident."

"Ouch," Simon winced as if I had struck him, "I wouldn't tell Killian about that. He seemed pretty serious about you two."

"Well, it's not," I muttered bitterly, then scowled when I noticed Simon hadn't backed away, "Do you not have training to prepare for or have you forgotten already?" Simon blushed and nodded quickly, ducking back down to hurry his shower. I shook my head and looked away, ducking my head to let the water rain down on top of me. I hid my face behind my hair to hide the humiliation burning my cheeks.

I slept with Killian. While the act itself did not bother me, it was the fact that I had shown vulnerability last night that irked me. Killian probably thought he could get through my defenses. I didn't understand why he was doing this to me. Why was he getting so close? Why did he sleep with me? He claimed before that he wouldn't sleep with anyone for one night, yet, he slept with me anyway.

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